Mary Black
No Frontiers

Mary Black - No Frontiers

  • Release date: 1992
  • Format: CD
  • Duration: 41:37
  • not rated
  • Added April 22, 2009


1. No frontiersnot rated4:03
2. Past the point of rescuenot rated3:17
3. The shadownot rated3:38
4. Carolina Ruanot rated2:39
5. Shuffle of the bucklednot rated2:39
6. Columbusnot rated5:23
7. Another daynot rated3:54
8. Fat valley of painnot rated4:51
9. I say a little prayernot rated3:37
10. Vanitiesnot rated4:26
11. The fog in Montereynot rated3:10

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