OK Computer

Radiohead - OK Computer

  • Release date: 5/1/1997
  • Format: CD
  • Duration: 53:21
  • not rated
  • Added April 14, 2009


1. Airbagnot rated4:44
2. Paranoid androidnot rated6:23
3. Subterranean homesick aliennot rated4:27
4. Exit music (for a film)not rated4:24
5. Let downnot rated4:59
6. Karma policenot rated4:21
7. Fitter happiernot rated1:57
8. Electioneeringnot rated3:50
9. Climbing up the wallsnot rated4:45
10. No surprisesnot rated3:48
11. Luckynot rated4:19
12. The touristnot rated5:24

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