Indigo Girls

Indigo Girls - Retrospective

  • Release date: 10/3/2000
  • Format: CD
  • Duration: 1:09:36
  • not rated
  • Added April 11, 2009


1. Strange Firenot rated5:29
2. Closer to Finenot rated4:01
3. Kid Fearsnot rated4:34
4. Watershednot rated5:45
5. Three Hitsnot rated3:09
6. Galileonot rated4:11
7. Ghostnot rated5:15
8. Reunionnot rated3:26
9. Power of Twonot rated5:21
10. Least Complicatednot rated4:10
11. Shame on Younot rated4:01
12. Get Out the Mapnot rated3:24
13. Gonot rated4:03
14. Troublenot rated4:50
15. Devotionnot rated3:33
16. Leavingnot rated4:24

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