Tori Amos
Tales Of A Librarian: A Tori Amos Collection [limited edition]

Tori Amos - Tales Of A Librarian: A Tori Amos Collection [limited edition]

  • Release date: 11/24/2003
  • Format: CD + DVD
  • Duration: 1:18:40
  • not rated
  • Added April 15, 2009


1. Precious thingsnot rated4:29
2. Angelsnot rated4:27
3. Silent all these yearsnot rated4:10
4. Cornflake girlnot rated5:05
5. Marynot rated4:42
6. Godnot rated3:54
7. Winternot rated5:43
8. Sparknot rated4:13
9. Way downnot rated1:50
10. Professional widownot rated3:48
11. Mr Zebranot rated1:05
12. Crucifynot rated5:00
13. Me and a gunnot rated3:43
14. Blissnot rated3:35
15. Playboy mommynot rated4:06
16. Baker bakernot rated3:12
17. Tear in your handnot rated4:38
18. Sweet dreamsnot rated3:39
19. Jackie's strengthnot rated4:25
20. Snow cherries from Francenot rated2:56

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