Complete list of rcarljohnson's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
RushFirst SingleCDR - SHN1973not rated6:12
RushFirst TimeCDR - SHNnot rated24:57
RushFlying Shark Snakes Swarm The Coral SkyCDR2002not rated2:44:55
RushGarden RoadCDR1991****2:02:34
RushGirls Gone WildCDR - SHN2004not rated2:59:12
RushGreat Woods and Summer SkiesCDR1997not rated2:40:49
RushHorizon to Horizon Part 1CDR - SHN2002***2:44:26
RushHorizon to Horizon Part 2CDR - SHN2002not rated2:45:47
RushHorizon to Horizon Part 3CDR - SHN2002not rated2:44:32
RushHorizon to Horizon Part 4CDR - SHN2002not rated2:46:13
RushImaginations On FireCDR1988not rated2:02:20
RushLa Villa StrangiatoCDR1980not rated1:08:43
RushLeaving Omaha, Again - Platinum EditionCDR - AUDIOnot rated1:59:42
RushLike A Box Of Chocolates - Volume 3CDR2002not rated2:43:22
RushLive From Electric Lady Land Studios 1974CDR - FLAC1974not rated45:51
RushLive In Lakeland - Platinum EditionCDR - SHN1982***1:45:48
RushLoaded DiceCDR1992not rated2:03:41
RushLondon 2/20/78CDR1978not rated1:02:39
RushMid-American Dreams Platinum EditionCDR - AUDIO1986not rated1:53:28
RushMirrorsCDR1992not rated2:05:46
RushMusic In The AbstractCDR1982not rated1:55:10
RushNew In Town - Platinum EditionCDR2000not rated1:11:21
RushOne Hot NightCDR1976not rated1:11:45
RushOut Of HidingCDRnot rated39:42
RushParts In MotionVCD1987not rated

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