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Narrated by Garrick Hagon | Had never met face to face | I, Robot | 2:32 | not rated | MP3 | 2004 |
Narrated by Garrick Hagon | He Fidgeted On His Robot's Shoulders | I, Robot | 4:16 | not rated | MP3 | 2004 |
Narrated by Garrick Hagon | He is almost too human | I, Robot | 3:40 | not rated | MP3 | 2004 |
Narrated by Garrick Hagon | He Paused, 'Now Listen Mike...' | I, Robot | 4:36 | not rated | MP3 | 2004 |
Narrated by Garrick Hagon | He said quietly | I, Robot | 2:38 | not rated | MP3 | 2004 |
Narrated by Garrick Hagon | He Spoke Through The Flare | I, Robot | 2:25 | not rated | MP3 | 2004 |
Narrated by Garrick Hagon | He Turned And Stalked Out | I, Robot | 4:08 | not rated | MP3 | 2004 |
Narrated by Garrick Hagon | He Was Thankfull | I, Robot | 3:05 | not rated | MP3 | 2004 |
Narrated by Garrick Hagon | He Watched The Posturing Of The Robots | I, Robot | 2:41 | not rated | MP3 | 2004 |
Narrated by Garrick Hagon | Heard-Hearted Robbie Paid Scant Attention To This Dreadful Possibility, And Shook His Head A Third Time | I, Robot | 3:14 | not rated | MP3 | 2004 |
Narrated by Garrick Hagon | Here's Everything In Pill Concentrate | I, Robot | 2:02 | not rated | MP3 | 2004 |
Narrated by Garrick Hagon | How's That | I, Robot | 2:50 | not rated | MP3 | 2004 |
Narrated by Garrick Hagon | I come to you | I, Robot | 3:03 | not rated | MP3 | 2004 |
Narrated by Garrick Hagon | I See No Mistake | I, Robot | 1:56 | not rated | MP3 | 2004 |
Narrated by Garrick Hagon | I've Seen That | I, Robot | 4:33 | not rated | MP3 | 2004 |
Narrated by Garrick Hagon | It Took Split-Seconds For Weston To Come To His Senses, And Those Split-Seconds Meant Everything, | I, Robot | 3:14 | not rated | MP3 | 2004 |
Narrated by Garrick Hagon | It Was Also Precisely At Noon | I, Robot | 1:57 | not rated | MP3 | 2004 |
Narrated by Garrick Hagon | It would be most ideal | I, Robot | 3:27 | not rated | MP3 | 2004 |
Narrated by Garrick Hagon | It's Your Fiction That Interests Me | I, Robot | 2:06 | not rated | MP3 | 2004 |
Narrated by Garrick Hagon | Lanning felt | I, Robot | 4:19 | not rated | MP3 | 2004 |
Narrated by Garrick Hagon | Lanning leaned back in his seat | I, Robot | 4:18 | not rated | MP3 | 2004 |
Narrated by Garrick Hagon | Loud Voices Outside The Door | I, Robot | 2:42 | not rated | MP3 | 2004 |
Narrated by Garrick Hagon | Major General Conner | I, Robot | 3:48 | not rated | MP3 | 2004 |
Narrated by Garrick Hagon | Manning Looked Up | I, Robot | 3:02 | not rated | MP3 | 2004 |
Narrated by Garrick Hagon | Milton Ash Stretched Slowly | I, Robot | 1:31 | not rated | MP3 | 2004 |