The Beatles (13 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
The BeatlesAbbey RoadMP31969not rated47:20
The BeatlesBeatles '65 (DESS US Stereo) (2005 Upgrade).flacFLACnot rated27:13
The BeatlesBeatles For SaleMP31964not rated34:10
The BeatlesBeatles `65 @VBRMP3not rated26:57
The BeatlesLove - flacMP3not rated2:37:31
The BeatlesMagical Mystery TourMP31967not rated36:48
The BeatlesPast Masters - Volume OneMP31988not rated42:24
The BeatlesRevolver (US Stereo) (Ebbett ST 2576)FLAC1966not rated28:01
The BeatlesSomething New (DESS US Mono) (2005 upgrade).flacFLACnot rated25:47
The BeatlesSomething New (DESS US Stereo) (2005 Upgrade).flacMP3not rated25:20
The BeatlesThe Beatles - White Album - Stereo (24 bit)1 of 2MP3not rated46:16
The BeatlesThe Beatles' Second Album (DESS US Stereo) (2005 Upgrade).flacMP3not rated27:16
The BeatlesYellow SubmarineMP31969not rated40:11