Neil Diamond
1973 Johanthon Livingston

Neil Diamond - 1973 Johanthon Livingston

  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 42:14
  • not rated
  • Added May 27, 2007


1. Prologuenot rated3:22
2. Benot rated6:32
3. Flight of the gullnot rated2:25
4. Dear fathernot rated5:20
5. Skybirdnot rated1:15
6. Lonely looking skynot rated3:20
7. The odysseynot rated9:37
8. Anthemnot rated3:08
9. Skybird(reprise)not rated2:22
10. Dear fathernot rated1:20
11. Be(reprise2)not rated3:33

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