Complete list of queenmania's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Keith JarrettMunich, Part XMunich 20167:43not rated2 CD set11/1/2019
Keith JarrettMunich, Part XIMunich 20169:01not rated2 CD set11/1/2019
Keith JarrettMunich, Part XIIMunich 20163:19not rated2 CD set11/1/2019
Keith JarrettMy Lady, My ChildFacing You7:20not ratedLP3/1/1972
Keith JarrettMy Lady, My ChildFacing You7:20not ratedLP3/1/1972
Keith JarrettMy Lady, My ChildFacing You7:22not ratedCD3/1/1972
Keith JarrettMy SongThe Carnegie Hall Concert8:04not rated2 CD set2006
Keith JarrettMy Wild Irish RoseThe Melody At Night, With You5:21not ratedCD1999
Keith JarrettNagoyaSun Bear Concerts4:02not ratedCD box set1978
Keith JarrettNagoyaSun Bear Concerts4:02not ratedCD box set1978
Keith JarrettNagoyaSun Bear Concerts4:16not ratedCD box set1978
Keith JarrettNagoya (Part II)Sun Bear Concerts5:10not ratedLP1978
Keith JarrettNagoya, November 12th, 1976 - Part II aSun Bear Concerts20:02not ratedLP box set2/23/2021
Keith JarrettNagoya, November 12th, 1976 - Part I aSun Bear Concerts17:30not ratedLP box set2/23/2021
Keith JarrettNagoya, November 12th, 1976 - Part II bSun Bear Concerts24:19not ratedLP box set2/23/2021
Keith JarrettNagoya, November 12th, 1976 - Part I bSun Bear Concerts18:50not ratedLP box set2/23/2021
Keith JarrettNagoya, November 12th, 1976 - Part II bSun Bear Concerts24:19not ratedLP box set1978
Keith JarrettNagoya, November 12th, 1976 - Part II aSun Bear Concerts20:02not ratedLP box set1978
Keith JarrettNagoya, November 12th, 1976 - Part I bSun Bear Concerts18:50not ratedLP box set1978
Keith JarrettNagoya, November 12th, 1976 - Part I aSun Bear Concerts17:30not ratedLP box set1978
Keith JarrettNagoya, November 12th, 1976 - Part I bSun Bear Concerts18:50not ratedLP box set1978
Keith JarrettNagoya, November 12th, 1976 - Part II aSun Bear Concerts20:02not ratedLP box set1978
Keith JarrettNagoya, November 12th, 1976 - Part II bSun Bear Concerts24:19not ratedLP box set1978
Keith JarrettNagoya, November 12th, 1976 - Part I aSun Bear Concerts17:30not ratedLP box set1978
Keith JarrettNo. 1Book Of Ways (The Feeling Of Strings)9:17not rated2 CD set1987

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