Complete list of queenmania's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Jordi SavallVI Jerusalem, a Land of Refuge and Exile, 15th - 20th centuries - Funeral MarchJerusalem, City Of The Two Peaces1:15not ratedSpecial set11/27/2008
Jordi SavallVI Jerusalem, a Land of Refuge and Exile, 15th - 20th centuries - VI Jerusalem, a Land of Refuge and Exile, 15th - 20thJerusalem, City Of The Two Peaces3:18not ratedSpecial set11/27/2008
Jordi SavallVI Jerusalem, a Land of Refuge and Exile, 15th - 20th centuries - Palestinian LamentJerusalem, City Of The Two Peaces3:53not ratedSpecial set11/27/2008
Jordi SavallVI Jerusalem, a Land of Refuge and Exile, 15th - 20th centuries - Palestina hermoza y SantaJerusalem, City Of The Two Peaces7:40not ratedSpecial set11/27/2008
Jordi SavallVI Jerusalem, a Land of Refuge and Exile, 15th - 20th centuries - El male rahamim (Hymn to the victims of Auschwitz), 19Jerusalem, City Of The Two Peaces4:39not ratedSpecial set11/27/2008
Jordi SavallVI. En la Arcadia - Recitado: 'Era la noche algo escura...'Miguel de Cervantes: Don Quijote de la Mancha - Romances y Músicas0:38not ratedSpecial set8/1/2005
Jordi SavallVI. Morir cuerdo y vivir loco (Cap. 74) - Circundederum me - Recitado: 'Como las cosas humanas no sean eternas...'Miguel de Cervantes: Don Quijote de la Mancha - Romances y Músicas1:18not ratedSpecial set8/1/2005
Jordi SavallVII Earthly peace: a duty and a utopia - A plea for peace - Da PacemJerusalem, City Of The Two Peaces0:53not ratedSpecial set11/27/2008
Jordi SavallVII Earthly peace: a duty and a utopia - A plea for peace - A plea for peace in ArmenianJerusalem, City Of The Two Peaces1:13not ratedSpecial set11/27/2008
Jordi SavallVII Earthly peace: a duty and a utopia - A plea for peace - Adonay Prayer for peace in HebrewJerusalem, City Of The Two Peaces0:35not ratedSpecial set11/27/2008
Jordi SavallVII Earthly peace: a duty and a utopia - A plea for peace - A plea for peace in ArabicJerusalem, City Of The Two Peaces0:37not ratedSpecial set11/27/2008
Jordi SavallVII Earthly peace: a duty and a utopia - A plea for peace - Instrumental DialogueJerusalem, City Of The Two Peaces1:30not ratedSpecial set11/27/2008
Jordi SavallVillancet Meis olhos van por lo mareBorgia Dynasty - Church and Power in the Renaissance2:24not ratedSpecial set10/5/2010
Jordi SavallVillancet: Si abran en estre balresBorgia Dynasty - Church and Power in the Renaissance1:30not ratedSpecial set10/5/2010
Jordi SavallVillancico (Égloga 6): Hoy Comamos Y Bevamos - Juan Del Enzina (C. M. Palacio N. 174)Eransmus van Rotterdam - Éloge de la Folie2:31not ratedCD box set1/7/2013
Jordi SavallVillancico (Égloga 6): Hoy Comamos Y Bevamos - Juan Del Enzina (C. M. Palacio N. 174)Eransmus van Rotterdam - Éloge de la Folie2:28not ratedCD box set1/7/2013
Jordi SavallVillancico: Adoramus te SeñorFrancisco Javier: The Route To The Orient3:33not ratedSpecial set12/14/2007
Jordi SavallVillancico: Aquella mora garrida - Gabriel (CMP 254)Granada 1013-15023:21not ratedCD5/31/2016
Jordi SavallVillancico: De la dulce mi enemigaMiguel de Cervantes: Don Quijote de la Mancha - Romances y Músicas2:10not ratedSpecial set8/1/2005
Jordi SavallVillancico: Dios te salve, Cruz preciosaFrancisco Javier: The Route To The Orient4:46not ratedSpecial set12/14/2007
Jordi SavallVillancico: levanta pascual que Granada es tomada CMP184Christophorus Columbus - Lost Paradises5:12not ratedSpecial set11/30/2006
Jordi SavallVillancico: Meis olhos van por lo mare CMP453Christophorus Columbus - Lost Paradises2:48not ratedSpecial set11/30/2006
Jordi SavallVillancico: Pues que tu, reyna del CieloFrancisco Javier: The Route To The Orient3:30not ratedSpecial set12/14/2007
Jordi SavallVillancico: Senhora del MundoFrancisco Javier: The Route To The Orient5:16not ratedSpecial set12/14/2007
Jordi SavallVillancico: Todos los bienes del mundo - Juan del Enzina CMP61Christophorus Columbus - Lost Paradises4:22not ratedSpecial set11/30/2006

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