Complete list of queenmania's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Jordi SavallGerard Gourian + Rene Zosso / Ego enim scio... - Texte reciteThe Forgotten Kingdom - The Albigensian Tragedy0:47not ratedSpecial set12/9/2009
Jordi SavallGerard Gourian / Il n'est pas etonnant... - Texte reciteThe Forgotten Kingdom - The Albigensian Tragedy0:34not ratedSpecial set12/9/2009
Jordi SavallGerard Gourian recitant / Paire sant - Texte recite en occitanThe Forgotten Kingdom - The Albigensian Tragedy0:22not ratedSpecial set12/9/2009
Jordi SavallGerard Gourian recitant, Furio Zanasi cantor / Consolament (Priere cathare) - Texte recite et chanteThe Forgotten Kingdom - The Albigensian Tragedy0:50not ratedSpecial set12/9/2009
Jordi SavallGhazalOrient-Occident II - A Tribute to Syria3:58not ratedCD10/2/2013
Jordi SavallGhazal (in Arabic)Jerusalem, City Of The Two Peaces0:44not ratedSpecial set11/27/2008
Jordi SavallGhazal (in Arabic, Greek & Hebrew)Jerusalem, City Of The Two Peaces3:03not ratedSpecial set11/27/2008
Jordi SavallGhazal (in Hebrew)Jerusalem, City Of The Two Peaces0:44not ratedSpecial set11/27/2008
Jordi SavallGhazal (instrumental, Morocco)Jerusalem, City Of The Two Peaces0:44not ratedSpecial set11/27/2008
Jordi SavallGhazal (Palestine)Jerusalem, City Of The Two Peaces0:39not ratedSpecial set11/27/2008
Jordi SavallGidem dedim aman (Roumélie)Bal·Kan - Honey And Blood (Cycles Of Life)1:46not ratedSpecial set12/18/2013
Jordi SavallGigue la Fleselle, IV.62Suitte d'un Goût Etranger - Pièces de viole du IV Livre, 17172:26not rated2 CD set2006
Jordi SavallGloriaM.A. Charpentier à la Chapelle Royale de Versailles0:12not ratedSpecial set6/16/2014
Jordi SavallGlory be to the Father - ChorusWar And Peace1:29not rated2 CD set1/28/2015
Jordi SavallGodini ludi mladi (Macédoine)Bal·Kan - Honey And Blood (Cycles Of Life)5:22not ratedSpecial set12/18/2013
Jordi SavallGozate VirgenLa Capella Reial de Catalunya - 25th Anniversary (Qobuz StudioMasters)5:53not ratedM4A6/3/2013
Jordi SavallGratias agimus tibiMesse en si mineur, BWV 2322:27not ratedSpecial set1/7/2013
Jordi SavallGreensleeves to a groundLa Barcha d'Amore8:56not ratedCD2009
Jordi SavallGuabina de VelezEl Nuevo Mundo - Folias Criollas1:35not ratedCD4/20/2010
Jordi SavallGuaracha Ay que me abraso - El ArrancazacateEl Nuevo Mundo - Folias Criollas3:29not ratedCD4/20/2010
Jordi SavallGudewife, Admit the WandererThe Celtic Viol2:49not ratedCD3/23/2009
Jordi SavallGusty's FrolicsThe Celtic Viol1:51not ratedCD3/23/2009
Jordi SavallH. Sarikouyomdjian duduk, Marc Clos tambour / Plainte Instrumentale III (Duduk + tambour)The Forgotten Kingdom - The Albigensian Tragedy1:09not ratedSpecial set12/9/2009
Jordi SavallH. Sarikouyomdjian, N. Nedyalkov / Plainte Instrumentale II (Duduk & Kaval)The Forgotten Kingdom - The Albigensian Tragedy1:48not ratedSpecial set12/9/2009
Jordi SavallH. Sarikouyomdjian, P. Estevan, D. Psonis / Plainte Instrumentale I (Tambours & Duduk)The Forgotten Kingdom - The Albigensian Tragedy1:16not ratedSpecial set12/9/2009

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