1. Untitled 1 - Vaka (The name of Orri's daughter) | not rated | 6:38 |
2. Untitled 2 - Fyrsta (The First Song) | not rated | 7:33 |
3. Untitled 3 - Samskeyti (Attachment) | not rated | 6:33 |
4. Untitled 4 - Njósnavélin (The Spy Machine) | not rated | 7:33 |
5. Untitled 5 - Ãlafoss (The location of the band's studio) | not rated | 9:57 |
6. Untitled 6 - E-bow [Georg uses an e-bow on his bass in this song] | not rated | 8:48 |
7. Untitled 7 - Dauðalagið (The Death Song) | not rated | 13:00 |
8. Untitled 8 - Popplagið (The Pop Song) | not rated | 11:44 |
| 1:11:49 |
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