Complete list of pol's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
You've Got Foetus on Your BreathToday I Started Slogging AgainWash & Slog7:34not rated12" vinyl2/1985
You've Got Foetus on Your BreathWash It All OffWash & Slog6:05not rated12" vinyl2/1985
You've Got Foetus on Your BreathWhat Have You Been Doing?Deaf5:32not ratedCD1997
You've Got Foetus on Your BreathWhole Wheat RollsAche0:59not ratedCD1997
You've Got Foetus on Your BreathWholesome TownAche4:24not ratedCD1997
You've Got Foetus on Your BreathWhy Can't It Happen to MeDeaf3:14not ratedCD1997
Za Siodma GoraFloatingThis Is My Dream5:46not rated7" vinyl1999
Za Siodma GoraThis Is My DreamThis Is My Dream7:33not rated7" vinyl1999
Ziggie Piggie, Robert Brylewski, SkadyktatorI Believe In Music15:193:41not ratedCD
Ziggie Piggie, Robert Brylewski, SkadyktatorLive Up15:193:20not ratedCD
Ziggie Piggie, Robert Brylewski, SkadyktatorLive Up (D&B version)15:194:24not ratedCD
Ziggie Piggie, Robert Brylewski, SkadyktatorThe Pied Piper15:193:52not ratedCD
ZNR1er MovementBarricade 33:25not ratedLP6/1/2015
ZNR2er MovementBarricade 3not ratedLP6/1/2015
ZNR3er MovementBarricade 33:40not ratedLP6/1/2015
ZNRAnnie La TelieBarricade 30:03not ratedLP6/1/2015
ZNRArmistice Couronné De FeuillagesBarricade 32:23not ratedLP6/1/2015
ZNRAvril En SuèdeBarricade 31:30not ratedLP6/1/2015
ZNRBoston Mexicain N° 1Barricade 32:35not ratedLP6/1/2015
ZNRBoston Mexicain N° 2Barricade 30:04not ratedLP6/1/2015
ZNRBoston Mexicain N° 3Barricade 31:10not ratedLP6/1/2015
ZNREditioun Especialo D'Uno Griho De JardinBarricade 35:35not ratedLP6/1/2015
ZNREspelisoun D'Uno Ribambello D'Evenimen Espetaclous Valentin BilotBarricade 31:15not ratedLP6/1/2015
ZNRL'ArmoireBarricade 31:37not ratedLP6/1/2015
ZNRLa Vieio Mostro: Part IIBarricade 31:45not ratedLP6/1/2015

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