Complete list of pol's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
And Also The TreesSilver SoulCD1998not rated50:33
And Also The TreesThe Bone CarverLP9/9/2022not rated
And Also The TreesThe Millpond YearsCD1988not rated47:53
Andrzej KorzynskiDiabelLP1/20/2023not rated38:02
Andrzej KorzynskiThe Devil Tapes7" vinyl2023not rated11:32
Andrzej MitanPsalmLP5/23/1987not rated34:30
Arhythmic BrainFrom The Beginning To The End (Live At Mozg)CD2003not rated
Ariel PinkDedicated To Bobby JamesonCD9/15/2017not rated49:55
Art BearsHopes And FearsLP1978not rated48:31
Art BearsWinter Songs/The World As It Is TodayCD1988not rated1:09:48
Art ZoydBerlinLP1987not rated40:34
Art ZoydLe Mariage Du Ciel Et De L'EnferLP1985not rated1:08:39
Art ZoydLes Espaces InquietsLP1983not rated29:08
Art ZoydMusique Pour L'OdysséeLP1979not rated34:50
Art ZoydPhase IV2LP1982not rated1:17:41
Arvo PärtChoral MusicCD10/2014not rated1:02:11
Arvo PärtFür AlinaLP10/2017not rated
Arvo PärtMiserereCD1991not rated1:05:47
Arvo PärtTe DeumCD1993not rated40:56
Arvo PärtWorks For ChoirLP2020not rated24:52
Aunt SallyAunt SallyLP/7" vinyl1/2022not rated30:55
B.C. GilbertOrdierCD2004not rated52:41
BiotaTumbleCD1989not rated1:13:55
Black FlagMy WarCD1984not rated40:24
Black Rebel Motorcycle ClubTake Them On, On Your OwnCD2003not rated55:53

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