In the Shadow of the Sword

NON - In the Shadow of the Sword

  • Release date: 1992
  • Genre: Rock
  • Format: CD
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 44:01
  • not rated
  • Added June 3, 2005


1. Intro/Total Warnot rated5:23
2. War Speech (Richard Wagner)not rated2:01
3. Eternal Icenot rated1:07
4. Sunrise/Fire in the Organism/Vengeancenot rated5:21
5. Without Judgmentnot rated1:50
6. Scorched Earthnot rated3:07
7. Invocationnot rated0:57
8. Abraxas (Conflagration)not rated5:24
9. Preynot rated6:17
10. The Time Will Comenot rated4:20
11. Number One Lawnot rated2:29
12. A World on Firenot rated3:18
13. Love and Love's Murdernot rated2:21

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