CD1 |
1. L'Oiseau de feu - Introduction | not rated | 2:21 |
2. L'Oiseau de feu - Scène 1 - Le jardin enchanté de Kastchei | not rated | 1:30 |
3. L'Oiseau de feu - Scène 1 - Apparition de l'Oiseau de feu, poursuivi par Ivan Tsarévitch | not rated | 2:22 |
4. L'Oiseau de feu - Scène 1 - Dance de l'Oiseau de feu | not rated | 1:27 |
5. L'Oiseau de feu - Scène 1 - Capture de l'Oiseau de feu par Ivan Tsarévitch | not rated | 1:00 |
6. L'Oiseau de feu - Scène 1 - Supplication de l'Oiseau de feu | not rated | 5:15 |
7. L'Oiseau de feu - Scène 1 - Apparition des treize princesses enchantées | not rated | 2:24 |
8. L'Oiseau de feu - Scène 1 - Jeu des princesses avec des pommes d'or (Scherzo) | not rated | 2:23 |
9. L'Oiseau de feu - Scène 1 - Brusque apparition d'Ivan Tsarévitch | not rated | 1:01 |
10. L'Oiseau de feu - Scène 1 - Ronde des princesses | not rated | 3:59 |
11. L'Oiseau de feu - Scène 1 - Lever du jour (Ivan Tsarévitch pénètre dansle palais de Kastchei) | not rated | 1:35 |
12. L'Oiseau de feu - Scène 1 - Carillon féerique, apparition des monstres-gardiens de Kastchei et capture d'Ivan Tsarévi | not rated | 1:25 |
13. L'Oiseau de feu - Scène 1 - Arrivée de Kastchei l'Immortel | not rated | 1:10 |
14. L'Oiseau de feu - Scène 1 - Dialogue de Kashchei avec Ivan Tsarevitch | not rated | 1:03 |
15. L'Oiseau de feu - Scène 1 - Intercession des princesses | not rated | 1:01 |
16. L'Oiseau de feu - Scène 1 - Apparition de l'Oiseau de feu | not rated | 0:35 |
17. L'Oiseau de feu - Scène 1 - Danse de la suite de Kastchei enchantée par l'Oiseau de feu | not rated | 0:49 |
18. L'Oiseau de feu - Scène 1 - Danse infernale de tous les sujets de Kastchei | not rated | 4:40 |
19. L'Oiseau de feu - Scène 1 - Berceuse (L'Oiseau de feu) | not rated | 2:32 |
20. L'Oiseau de feu - Scène 1 - Réveil de Kastchei | not rated | 1:07 |
21. L'Oiseau de feu - Scène 1 - Mort de Kastchei - profondes ténèbres | not rated | 1:20 |
22. L'Oiseau de feu - Scène 2 - Disparition du palais et des sortilèges de Kastchei, animation des chevaliers pétrifiés, | not rated | 2:49 |
23. Scherzo à la Russe | not rated | 4:04 |
24. Scherzo Fantastique - Op. 3 | not rated | 11:45 |
25. Feu d'artifice - Op. 4 | not rated | 3:40 |
| 1:03:27 |
CD2 |
1. Pétrouchka - Burlesque en quatre tableaux - Scène 1 - Fête populaire de Semaine grasse | not rated | 0:50 |
2. Pétrouchka - Burlesque en quatre tableaux - Scène 1 - Les foules | not rated | 4:19 |
3. Pétrouchka - Burlesque en quatre tableaux - Scène 1 - La Baraque du charlatan | not rated | 1:49 |
4. Pétrouchka - Burlesque en quatre tableaux - Scène 1 - Danse russe | not rated | 2:40 |
5. Pétrouchka - Burlesque en quatre tableaux - Scène 2 - Chez Pétrouchka | not rated | 4:02 |
6. Pétrouchka - Burlesque en quatre tableaux - Scène 3 - Chez le maure | not rated | 2:32 |
7. Pétrouchka - Burlesque en quatre tableaux - Scène 3 - Danse dela ballerine | not rated | 0:45 |
8. Pétrouchka - Burlesque en quatre tableaux - Scène 3 - Valse (La ballerine et le maure) | not rated | 3:05 |
9. Pétrouchka - Burlesque en quatre tableaux - Scène 4 - Fête populaire de Semaine grasse (vers le soir) | not rated | 1:18 |
10. Pétrouchka - Burlesque en quatre tableaux - Scène 4 - Danse des nounous | not rated | 2:38 |
11. Pétrouchka - Burlesque en quatre tableaux - Scène 4 - Danse du paysan et de l'ours | not rated | 1:28 |
12. Pétrouchka - Burlesque en quatre tableaux - Scène 4 - Danse des tziganes | not rated | 0:55 |
13. Pétrouchka - Burlesque en quatre tableaux - Scène 4 - Danse des cochers et des palefreniers | not rated | 2:10 |
14. Pétrouchka - Burlesque en quatre tableaux - Scène 4 - Les Déguisés | not rated | 2:22 |
15. Pétrouchka - Burlesque en quatre tableaux - Scène 4 - Fin (Lamort de Pétrouchka) | not rated | 2:56 |
16. Le Sacre du printemps - Première partie - L'Adoration de la terre - Introduction | not rated | 2:57 |
17. Le Sacre du printemps - Première partie - Les Augures printaniers (Danse des adolescentes) | not rated | 3:03 |
18. Le Sacre du printemps - Première partie - Jeu du rapt | not rated | 1:17 |
19. Le Sacre du printemps - Première partie - Rondes printanières | not rated | 3:05 |
20. Le Sacre du printemps - Première partie - Jeux des cités rivales | not rated | 1:59 |
21. Le Sacre du printemps - Première partie - Cortège du sage | not rated | 0:43 |
22. Le Sacre du printemps - Première partie - L'Adoration de la terre (Le sage) | not rated | 0:25 |
23. Le Sacre du printemps - Première partie - Danse de la terre | not rated | 1:14 |
24. Le Sacre du printemps - Deuxième partie - Le sacrifice - Introduction | not rated | 3:41 |
25. Le Sacre du printemps - Deuxième partie - Cercles mystérieux des adolescentes | not rated | 2:49 |
26. Le Sacre du printemps - Deuxième partie - Glorification de l'élue | not rated | 1:37 |
27. Le Sacre du printemps - Deuxième partie - Evocation des ancêtres | not rated | 0:42 |
28. Le Sacre du printemps - Deuxième partie - Action rituelle desancêtres | not rated | 3:19 |
29. Le Sacre du printemps - Deuxième partie - Danse sacrale (L'Elue) | not rated | 4:35 |
| 1:05:27 |
CD3 |
1. Les Noces - Première partie - Scène 1 - La Tresse | not rated | 5:12 |
2. Les Noces - Première partie - Scène 2 - Chez le marié | not rated | 6:05 |
3. Les Noces - Première partie - Scène 3 - Le départ de la mariée | not rated | 3:10 |
4. Les Noces - Deuxième partie - Scène 4 - Le Repas de noces | not rated | 10:24 |
5. Renard The Fox - A Burlesque Tale In Song And Dance | not rated | 15:32 |
6. L'Histoire du Soldat - Marche du soldat | not rated | 1:38 |
7. L'Histoire du Soldat - Scène 1 - Airs auprès d'un ruisseau | not rated | 2:28 |
8. L'Histoire du Soldat - Scène 2 - Pastorale | not rated | 2:36 |
9. L'Histoire du Soldat - Scène 2 - Marche royale | not rated | 2:38 |
10. L'Histoire du Soldat - Scène 2 - Petit concert | not rated | 2:59 |
11. L'Histoire du Soldat - Scène 2 - Treize danses (Tango, Valse,Ragtime) | not rated | 5:50 |
12. L'Histoire du Soldat - Scène 2 - Danse du diable | not rated | 1:24 |
13. L'Histoire du Soldat - Scène 2 - Grand choral | not rated | 2:28 |
14. L'Histoire du Soldat - Scène 2 - Marche triomphale du diable | not rated | 2:12 |
| 1:04:41 |
CD4 |
1. Apollo - Scene 1 - The Birth of Apollo - Largo - Allegro - Tempo I | not rated | 4:30 |
2. Apollo - Scene 2 - Variation d'Apollon (Apollon et les Muses) | not rated | 2:54 |
3. Apollo - Scene 2 - Pas d'action (Apollon et les trois Muses) - Moderato | not rated | 4:37 |
4. Apollo - Scene 2 - Variation d'Calliope (l'Alexandrin) - Allegretto | not rated | 1:30 |
5. Apollo - Scene 2 - Variation de Polymnie - Allegro | not rated | 1:15 |
6. Apollo - Scene 2 - Variation de Terpsichore - Allegretto | not rated | 1:29 |
7. Apollo - Scene 2 - Variation d'Apollon - Lento | not rated | 2:06 |
8. Apollo - Scene 2 - Pas de deux (Apollon et Terpsichore) - Adagio | not rated | 3:49 |
9. Apollo - Scene 2 - Coda (Apollon et les Muses) - Vivo - ... - Agitato | not rated | 3:19 |
10. Apollo - Scene 2 - Apotheose - Largo et tranquillo | not rated | 3:12 |
11. Agon - Pas de quatre | not rated | 1:47 |
12. Agon - Double Pas de quatre | not rated | 1:37 |
13. Agon - Triple Pas de quatre | not rated | 1:10 |
14. Agon - Prelude | not rated | 0:49 |
15. Agon - First Pas de trois - Saraband Step | not rated | 1:19 |
16. Agon - First Pas de trois - Gaillarde | not rated | 1:18 |
17. Agon - First Pas de trois - Coda | not rated | 1:26 |
18. Agon - First Pas de trois - Interlude | not rated | 0:49 |
19. Agon - Second Pas de trois - Bransle simple | not rated | 0:58 |
20. Agon - Second Pas de trois - Bransle gay | not rated | 0:54 |
21. Agon - Second Pas de trois - Bransle double | not rated | 1:30 |
22. Agon - Interlude - Second Pas de trois | not rated | 0:51 |
23. Agon - Second Pas de trois - Pas de deux | not rated | 4:14 |
24. Agon - Second Pas de trois - Coda | not rated | 1:41 |
25. Agon - Second Pas de trois - Four Duos | not rated | 0:33 |
26. Agon - Second Pas de trois - Four Trios | not rated | 2:31 |
27. Card Game - First Deal | not rated | 5:16 |
28. Card Game - Second Deal | not rated | 9:44 |
29. Card Game - Third Deal | not rated | 7:33 |
| 1:14:55 |
CD5 |
1. Scènes de Ballet - 1. Introduction | not rated | 0:52 |
2. Scènes de Ballet - 2. Danses (Corps de ballet & Ballerine) | not rated | 4:14 |
3. Scènes de Ballet - 3. Pantomime | not rated | 2:05 |
4. Scènes de Ballet - 4. Pas de deux | not rated | 2:48 |
5. Scènes de Ballet - 5. Pantomime | not rated | 0:31 |
6. Scènes de Ballet - 6. Variations - Danseur & Ballerine | not rated | 2:24 |
7. Scènes de Ballet - 7. Pantomime | not rated | 0:27 |
8. Scènes de Ballet - 8. Danses (Corps de ballet) | not rated | 1:02 |
9. Scènes de Ballet - 9. Apotheose | not rated | 2:12 |
10. Bluebird - Pas de deux - 1. Adagio | not rated | 2:00 |
11. Bluebird - Pas de deux - 2. Variation I | not rated | 0:45 |
12. Bluebird - Pas de deux - 3. Variation II | not rated | 0:41 |
13. Bluebird - Pas de deux - 4. Coda | not rated | 1:40 |
14. The Fairy's Kiss - Scene 1 - Prologue | not rated | 8:13 |
15. The Fairy's Kiss - Scene 2 - A Village Fete | not rated | 11:20 |
16. The Fairy's Kiss - Scene 3 - At the Mill | not rated | 6:55 |
17. The Fairy's Kiss - Scene 3 - Pas de deux | not rated | 1:33 |
18. The Fairy's Kiss - Scene 3 - Adagio | not rated | 3:01 |
19. The Fairy's Kiss - Scene 3 - Variation | not rated | 1:21 |
20. The Fairy's Kiss - Scene 3 - Coda | not rated | 2:12 |
21. The Fairy's Kiss - Scene 3 - Scene | not rated | 4:49 |
22. The Fairy's Kiss - Scene 4 - Épilogue - The Lullaby of the Land - Time and Place | not rated | 6:16 |
| 1:07:30 |
CD6 |
1. Igor Stravinsky: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - Pulcinella Suite - 1. Overture | not rated | 1:55 |
2. Igor Stravinsky: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - Pulcinella Suite - 2. Serenata | not rated | 2:26 |
3. Igor Stravinsky: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - Pulcinella Suite - 3. Scherzino | not rated | 20:33 |
4. Igor Stravinsky: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - Pulcinella Suite - 5. Tarantella | not rated | 4:19 |
5. Igor Stravinsky: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - Pulcinella Suite - 6. Gavotte With Two Variations | not rated | 9:33 |
6. Orphée - Act 1: 1. Orphée | not rated | 2:52 |
7. Orphée - Act 1: 2. Air De Danse | not rated | 3:13 |
8. Orphée - Act 1: 3. L'Ange De La Mort Et Sa Danse | not rated | 2:20 |
9. Orphée - Act 1: 4. Interlude | not rated | 2:01 |
10. Orphée - Act 2: 1. Pas Des Furies | not rated | 3:11 |
11. Orphée - Act 2: 2. Air De Danse; Interlude; Air De Danse | not rated | 3:35 |
12. Orphée - Act 2: 3. Pas D'Action | not rated | 1:55 |
13. Orphée - Act 2: 4. Pas De Deux | not rated | 5:03 |
14. Orphée - Act 2: 5. Interlude | not rated | 1:04 |
15. Orphée - Act 2: 6. Pas D'Action | not rated | 2:34 |
16. Orphée - Act 3: 1. Apothéose D'Orphée | not rated | 2:52 |
| 1:09:32 |
CD7 |
1. Petrushka (Suite) - Scene 1 - 1. The Shrove-tide Fair | not rated | 0:50 |
2. Petrushka (Suite) - Scene 1 - 2. The Crowds | not rated | 4:17 |
3. Petrushka (Suite) - Scene 1 - 3. The Charlatan's Booth | not rated | 1:51 |
4. Petrushka (Suite) - Scene 1 - 4. Russian Dance | not rated | 2:40 |
5. Petrushka (Suite) - Scene 2 - 5. Petrushka's Room | not rated | 4:10 |
6. Petrushka (Suite) - Scene 4 - 6. The Shrove-tide Fair (near evening) | not rated | 1:10 |
7. Petrushka (Suite) - Scene 4 - 7. Dance of the Wet Nurses | not rated | 2:38 |
8. Petrushka (Suite) - Scene 4 - 8. Dance of the Peasant and the Bear | not rated | 1:15 |
9. Petrushka (Suite) - Scene 4 - 9. Dance of the Gipsy Girls | not rated | 1:07 |
10. Petrushka (Suite) - Scene 4 - 10. Dance of Coachmen | not rated | 2:10 |
11. Petrushka (Suite) - Scene 4 - 11. The Masqueraders | not rated | 1:53 |
12. Pulcinella (Suite, after Pergolesi) - 1. Sinfonia (Overture) | not rated | 1:56 |
13. Pulcinella (Suite, after Pergolesi) - 2. Serenata | not rated | 3:04 |
14. Pulcinella (Suite, after Pergolesi) - 3a. Scherzino | not rated | 1:45 |
15. Pulcinella (Suite, after Pergolesi) - 3b. Allegro | not rated | 1:02 |
16. Pulcinella (Suite, after Pergolesi) - 3c. Andantino | not rated | 1:17 |
17. Pulcinella (Suite, after Pergolesi) - 4. Tarantella | not rated | 1:13 |
18. Pulcinella (Suite, after Pergolesi) - 5. Toccata | not rated | 0:55 |
19. Pulcinella (Suite, after Pergolesi) - 6. Gavotta con due variazioni | not rated | 4:17 |
20. Pulcinella (Suite, after Pergolesi) - 7. Vivo | not rated | 1:37 |
21. Pulcinella (Suite, after Pergolesi) - 8a. Minuetto | not rated | 2:07 |
22. Pulcinella (Suite, after Pergolesi) - 8b. Finale | not rated | 2:09 |
23. The Firebird (Suite, rev.1945) - 1. Introduction | not rated | 2:50 |
24. The Firebird (Suite, rev.1945) - 2. Prelude and Dance of the Firebird | not rated | 0:17 |
25. The Firebird (Suite, rev.1945) - 3. Variations of the Firebird | not rated | 1:21 |
26. The Firebird (Suite, rev.1945) - 4. Pantomime I | not rated | 0:25 |
27. The Firebird (Suite, rev.1945) - 5. Pas de deux. The Firebird and Ivan Tsarevitch | not rated | 4:21 |
28. The Firebird (Suite, rev.1945) - 6. Pantomime II | not rated | 0:22 |
29. The Firebird (Suite, rev.1945) - 7. Scherzo. Dance of the Princesses | not rated | 2:27 |
30. The Firebird (Suite, rev.1945) - 8. Pantomime III | not rated | 1:05 |
31. The Firebird (Suite, rev.1945) - 9. Rondo. Corovod | not rated | 4:13 |
32. The Firebird (Suite, rev.1945) - 10. Infernal Dance | not rated | 4:34 |
33. The Firebird (Suite, rev.1945) - 11. Berceuse | not rated | 3:53 |
34. The Firebird (Suite, rev.1945) -12. Final Hymn | not rated | 3:22 |
| 1:14:50 |
CD8 |
1. Symphony in E-flat, Op. 1 - I. Allegro moderato | not rated | 11:26 |
2. Symphony in E-flat, Op. 1 - II. Scherzo. Allegretto | not rated | 6:05 |
3. Symphony in E-flat, Op. 1 - III. Largo | not rated | 13:57 |
4. Symphony in E-flat, Op. 1 - IV. Finale. Allegro molto | not rated | 8:28 |
5. Portrait of Stravinsky - Apollo | not rated | 4:46 |
6. Portrait of Stravinsky - Sleeping Beauty | not rated | 2:17 |
7. Portrait of Stravinsky - Recollections of my Childhood | not rated | 1:17 |
8. Portrait of Stravinsky - Pulcinella | not rated | 2:45 |
9. Portrait of Stravinsky - Piano Concerto (with Philippe Entremont) | not rated | 5:48 |
10. Portrait of Stravinsky - Symphony in C | not rated | 7:54 |
11. Stravinsky in his own words | not rated | 7:10 |
| 1:11:59 |
CD9 |
1. Symphony in Three Movements - I. Overture. Allegro | not rated | 9:26 |
2. Symphony in Three Movements - II. Andante - Interlude - L'istesso tempo | not rated | 5:58 |
3. Symphony in Three Movements - III. Con moto | not rated | 6:00 |
4. Symphony in C - I. Moderato alla breve | not rated | 9:24 |
5. Symphony in C - II. larghetto concertante | not rated | 5:42 |
6. Symphony in C - III. Allegretto | not rated | 4:35 |
7. Symphony in C - IV. Largo - tempo giusto, alla breve | not rated | 7:22 |
8. Symphony of Psalms - Part I | not rated | 3:22 |
9. Symphony of Psalms - Part II | not rated | 6:16 |
10. Symphony of Psalms - Part III | not rated | 11:55 |
| 1:10:05 |
CD10 |
1. Philippe Entremont; Igor Stravinsky: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - Concerto For Piano And Wind Instruments - I. Largo Allegro - Maestoso | not rated | 7:10 |
2. Philippe Entremont; Igor Stravinsky: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - Concerto For Piano And Wind Instruments - II. Largo | not rated | 6:59 |
3. Philippe Entremont; Igor Stravinsky: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - Concerto For Piano And Wind Instruments - III. Allegro | not rated | 5:04 |
4. Movements For Piano And Orchestra - I. [Eighth Note]=110 | not rated | 1:57 |
5. Movements For Piano And Orchestra - II. [Quarter Note]=52 | not rated | 1:34 |
6. Movements For Piano And Orchestra - III. [Eighth Note]=72 | not rated | 1:07 |
7. Movements For Piano And Orchestra - IV. [Eighth Note]=80 | not rated | 1:36 |
8. Movements For Piano And Orchestra - V. [Eighth Note]=104 | not rated | 2:03 |
9. Philippe Entremont; Robert Craft: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - Capriccio For Piano And Orchestra - I. Presto | not rated | 6:30 |
10. Philippe Entremont; Robert Craft: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - Capriccio For Piano And Orchestra - II. Andante Rapsodico | not rated | 5:01 |
11. Philippe Entremont; Robert Craft: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - Capriccio For Piano And Orchestra - III. Allegro Capriccioso Ma Tempo Guisto | not rated | 5:27 |
12. Isaac Stern; Igor Stravinsky: CBC Symphony Orchestra - Concerto In D For Violin And Orchestra - I. Toccata | not rated | 5:34 |
13. Isaac Stern; Igor Stravinsky: CBC Symphony Orchestra - Concerto In D For Violin And Orchestra - II. Aria I | not rated | 4:10 |
14. Isaac Stern; Igor Stravinsky: CBC Symphony Orchestra - Concerto In D For Violin And Orchestra - III. Aria II | not rated | 5:08 |
15. Isaac Stern; Igor Stravinsky: CBC Symphony Orchestra - Concerto In D For Violin And Orchestra - IV. Capriccio | not rated | 5:55 |
| 1:05:21 |
CD11 |
1. Igor Stravinsky: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - Greeting Prelude | not rated | 0:52 |
2. Suite No. 1 for Small Orchestra - I. Andante | not rated | 1:17 |
3. Suite No. 1 for Small Orchestra - II. Napolitana | not rated | 1:13 |
4. Suite No. 1 for Small Orchestra - III. Espanola | not rated | 1:08 |
5. Suite No. 1 for Small Orchestra - IV. Balalaika | not rated | 0:55 |
6. Suite No. 2 for Small Orchestra - I. Marche | not rated | 1:13 |
7. Suite No. 2 for Small Orchestra - II. Valse | not rated | 2:05 |
8. Suite No. 2 for Small Orchestra - III. Polka | not rated | 1:01 |
9. Suite No. 2 for Small Orchestra - IV. Galop | not rated | 1:45 |
10. Igor Stravinsky: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - Concerto in E flat for Chamber Orchestra, 'Dumbarton Oaks' - I. Tempo giusto | not rated | 4:21 |
11. Igor Stravinsky: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - Concerto in E flat for Chamber Orchestra, 'Dumbarton Oaks' - II. Allegretto | not rated | 4:16 |
12. Igor Stravinsky: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - Concerto in E flat for Chamber Orchestra, 'Dumbarton Oaks' - III. Con Moto | not rated | 5:07 |
13. Four Norwegian Moods - I. Intrada | not rated | 2:26 |
14. Four Norwegian Moods - II. Song | not rated | 2:34 |
15. Four Norwegian Moods - III. Wedding Dance | not rated | 1:15 |
16. Four Norwegian Moods - IV. Cortège | not rated | 2:15 |
17. Circus Polka, composed for a young elephant | not rated | 3:29 |
18. Igor Stravinsky: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - Concerto in D for String Orchestra, 'Basle Concerto' - I. Vivace | not rated | 5:23 |
19. Igor Stravinsky: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - Concerto in D for String Orchestra, 'Basle Concerto' - II. Arioso Andantino | not rated | 2:41 |
20. Igor Stravinsky: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - Concerto in D for String Orchestra, 'Basle Concerto' - III. Rondo Allegro | not rated | 3:20 |
21. Eight Instrumental Miniatures - I. Andantino | not rated | 0:56 |
22. Eight Instrumental Miniatures - II. Vivace | not rated | 0:27 |
23. Eight Instrumental Miniatures - III. Lento | not rated | 0:48 |
24. Eight Instrumental Miniatures - IV. Allegretto | not rated | 0:58 |
25. Eight Instrumental Miniatures - V. Moderato alla breve | not rated | 0:56 |
26. Eight Instrumental Miniatures - VI. Tempo di Marcia | not rated | 1:03 |
27. Eight Instrumental Miniatures - VII. Larghetto | not rated | 1:26 |
28. Eight Instrumental Miniatures - VIII. Tempo di Tango | not rated | 1:07 |
29. Four Etudes for Orchestra - I. Danse | not rated | 1:04 |
30. Four Etudes for Orchestra - II. Excentrique | not rated | 2:20 |
31. Four Etudes for Orchestra - III. Cantique | not rated | 4:17 |
32. Four Etudes for Orchestra - IV. Madrid | not rated | 2:27 |
| 1:06:39 |
CD12 |
1. Preludium for Jazz Ensemble | not rated | 1:28 |
2. Concertino for 12 Instruments | not rated | 6:22 |
3. Octet for Wind Instruments - I. Sinfonia | not rated | 3:56 |
4. Octet for Wind Instruments - II. Tema con variazioni | not rated | 7:12 |
5. Octet for Wind Instruments - III. Finale | not rated | 3:30 |
6. Ragtime for 11 Instruments | not rated | 4:38 |
7. Tango (New Orchestration, 1953) | not rated | 4:06 |
8. Septet - I. [Eighth Note]=88 | not rated | 3:20 |
9. Septet - II. Passacaglia | not rated | 4:36 |
10. Septet - III. Gigue | not rated | 3:54 |
11. Pastorale - Songs Without Words (1933 Version) | not rated | 2:52 |
12. Ebony Concerto for Clarinet solo and Big Band - I. Allegro moderato | not rated | 3:02 |
13. Ebony Concerto for Clarinet solo and Big Band - II. Andante | not rated | 2:35 |
14. Ebony Concerto for Clarinet solo and Big Band - III. Moderato Con moto | not rated | 3:44 |
15. Symphonies of Wind Instruments (Revised Version, 1947) | not rated | 9:10 |
| 1:04:33 |
CD13 |
1. Duo Concertant for Violin and Piano - I. Cantilène | not rated | 2:55 |
2. Duo Concertant for Violin and Piano - II. Eclogue I | not rated | 2:06 |
3. Duo Concertant for Violin and Piano - III. Eclogue II | not rated | 2:58 |
4. Duo Concertant for Violin and Piano - IV. Gigue | not rated | 4:18 |
5. Duo Concertant for Violin and Piano - V. Dithyrambe | not rated | 2:59 |
6. Serenade in A - I. Hymne | not rated | 2:56 |
7. Serenade in A - II. Romanza | not rated | 2:29 |
8. Serenade in A - III. Rondoletto | not rated | 2:50 |
9. Serenade in A - IV. Cadenza finale | not rated | 2:54 |
10. Igor Stravinsky, Soulima Stravinsky - Concerto for 2 Solo Pianos - I. Con moto | not rated | 6:25 |
11. Igor Stravinsky, Soulima Stravinsky - Concerto for 2 Solo Pianos - II. Notturno Adagietto | not rated | 4:33 |
12. Igor Stravinsky, Soulima Stravinsky - Concerto for 2 Solo Pianos - III. Quattro variazioni | not rated | 4:11 |
13. Igor Stravinsky, Soulima Stravinsky - Concerto for 2 Solo Pianos - IV. Preludio e fuga | not rated | 4:22 |
14. Piano Rag Music | not rated | 3:11 |
15. Arthur Gold, Robert Fizdale - Sonata for 2 Pianos - I. Moderato | not rated | 3:55 |
16. Arthur Gold, Robert Fizdale - Sonata for 2 Pianos - II. Theme with Variations | not rated | 4:31 |
17. Arthur Gold, Robert Fizdale - Sonata for 2 Pianos - III. Allegretto | not rated | 1:36 |
18. Charles Rosen - Sonata for Piano - I. [Eighth Note] = 112 | not rated | 3:24 |
19. Charles Rosen - Sonata for Piano - II. Adagietto | not rated | 4:54 |
20. Charles Rosen - Sonata for Piano - III. [Eighth Note] = 112 | not rated | 2:33 |
| 1:10:10 |
CD14 |
1. The Nightingale (Lyric Tale in 3 Acts after H.C. Andersen) - Act 1 - Introduction | not rated | 16:35 |
2. The Nightingale - Act 2 - 1. Entr'acte Breezes | not rated | 2:12 |
3. The Nightingale - Act 2 - 2. Chinese March | not rated | 3:38 |
4. The Nightingale - Act 2 - 3. Song of the Nightingale | not rated | 3:47 |
5. The Nightingale - Act 2 - 4. The Courtiers | not rated | 0:40 |
6. The Nightingale - Act 2 - 5. Three Japanese Envoys | not rated | 1:03 |
7. The Nightingale - Act 2 - 6. Performance of the Mechanical Nightingale | not rated | 0:58 |
8. The Nightingale - Act 2 - 7. Conclusion | not rated | 2:28 |
9. The Nightingale - Act 3 - 1. Prelude | not rated | 2:48 |
10. The Nightingale - Act 3 - 2. A Room in the Palace of the Emperor | not rated | 1:18 |
11. The Nightingale - Act 3 - 3. The Return of the Nightingale | not rated | 6:59 |
12. The Nightingale - Act 3 - 4. Solemn Procession | not rated | 1:08 |
13. The Nightingale - Act 3 - 5. The Emperor's Recovery | not rated | 1:23 |
14. Mavra (Opera buffa in one act after Pushkin) | not rated | 27:46 |
| 1:12:50 |
CD15 |
1. Faun and Shepherdess - I. The Shepherdess | not rated | 2:55 |
2. Faun and Shepherdess - II. The Faun | not rated | 3:20 |
3. Faun and Shepherdess - III. The Torrent | not rated | 3:30 |
4. Two Poems of Paul Verlaine - I. The White Moon Shines In The Woods | not rated | 3:48 |
5. Two Poems of Paul Verlaine - II. Sleep | not rated | 1:38 |
6. Two Poems of Konstantin Bal'mont - I. The Flower | not rated | 1:10 |
7. Two Poems of Konstantin Bal'mont - II. The Dove | not rated | 1:32 |
8. Three Japanese Lyrics - I. Akahito | not rated | 0:50 |
9. Three Japanese Lyrics - II. Mazatsumi | not rated | 0:59 |
10. Three Japanese Lyrics - III. Tsaraiuki | not rated | 1:26 |
11. Three Little Songs - Recollections Of My Childhood - I. The Magpie | not rated | 0:59 |
12. Three Little Songs - Recollections Of My Childhood - II. The Rook | not rated | 1:08 |
13. Three Little Songs - Recollections Of My Childhood - III. The Jackdaw | not rated | 1:03 |
14. Pribaoutki - Pleasant Songs - I. Uncle Armand | not rated | 0:50 |
15. Pribaoutki - Pleasant Songs - II. The Oven | not rated | 0:24 |
16. Pribaoutki - Pleasant Songs - III. The Colonel | not rated | 0:44 |
17. Pribaoutki - Pleasant Songs - IV. The Old Man And The Hare | not rated | 1:52 |
18. Cat's Cradle Songs - I. On the Stove | not rated | 0:40 |
19. Cat's Cradle Songs - II. At Home | not rated | 0:59 |
20. Cat's Cradle Songs - III. Dodo | not rated | 1:15 |
21. Cat's Cradle Songs - IV. The Cat has | not rated | 0:52 |
22. Four Russian Peasant Songs - For Chorus of equal Voices with four Horns - No.1. On Saint's Day in Chigisakh | not rated | 1:21 |
23. Four Russian Peasant Songs - For Chorus of equal Voices with four Horns - No.2. Ovsen | not rated | 0:44 |
24. Four Russian Peasant Songs - For Chorus of equal Voices with four Horns - No.3. The Pike | not rated | 0:57 |
25. Four Russian Peasant Songs - For Chorus of equal Voices with four Horns - No.4. Master Portly | not rated | 1:08 |
26. Four Songs, for voice, flute, harp and guitar - I. The Drake | not rated | 1:16 |
27. Four Songs, for voice, flute, harp and guitar - II. A Russian Spiritual | not rated | 1:44 |
28. Four Songs, for voice, flute, harp and guitar - III. Geese and Swans | not rated | 0:35 |
29. Four Songs, for voice, flute, harp and guitar - IV. Tilim-bom | not rated | 1:07 |
30. Three Songs from Shakespeare - I. Music To Hear | not rated | 2:32 |
31. Three Songs from Shakespeare - II. Full Fathom Five | not rated | 2:00 |
32. Three Songs from Shakespeare - III. When Daisies Pied | not rated | 2:31 |
33. In Memorium Dylan Thomas - I. Dirge-Canons | not rated | 1:33 |
34. In Memorium Dylan Thomas - II. Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night | not rated | 4:18 |
35. In Memorium Dylan Thomas - III. Dirge-Canons - Postlude | not rated | 1:35 |
36. Elegy for J.F.K. | not rated | 1:54 |
37. The Owl And The Pussy-Cat | not rated | 2:35 |
38. Tilim-bom - Klabum-klabam - A Story for Children | not rated | 1:01 |
| 1:01:05 |
CD16 |
1. Act I - Scene 1 - The Garden - 1. Prelude | not rated | 0:32 |
2. Act I - Scene 1 - The Garden - 2. The Woods Are Green | not rated | 4:40 |
3. Act I - Scene 1 - The Garden - 3. Here I Stand | not rated | 2:33 |
4. Act I - Scene 1 - The Garden - 4. Tom Rakewell | not rated | 7:02 |
5. Act I - Scene 1 - The Garden - 5. Farewell For Now | not rated | 5:09 |
6. Act I - Scene 2 - Brothel, London - 1. With Air Commanding | not rated | 2:33 |
7. Act I - Scene 2 - Brothel, London - 2. Come, Tom | not rated | 5:00 |
8. Act I - Scene 2 - Brothel, London - 3. Love, Too Frequently Betrayed (Cavatina) | not rated | 3:39 |
9. Act I - Scene 2 - Brothel, London - 4. The Sun Is Bright | not rated | 2:27 |
10. Act I - Scene 3 - Autumn. The Garden - 1. No Word From Tom | not rated | 5:40 |
11. Act I - Scene 3 - Autumn. The Garden - 2. I Go To Him (Cabaletta) | not rated | 2:50 |
12. Act II - Scene 1 - Morning Room, London - 1. Vary The Song, O London, Change! | not rated | 6:41 |
13. Act II - Scene 1 - Morning Room, London - 2. Master, Are You Alone | not rated | 4:46 |
14. Act II - Scene 1 - Morning Room, London - 3. My Tale Shall Be Told | not rated | 2:12 |
15. Act II - Scene 2 - The Street - 1. How Strange! | not rated | 5:40 |
16. Act II - Scene 2 - The Street - 2. Anne! Here! (Duet) | not rated | 3:29 |
17. Act II - Scene 2 - The Street - 3. Could It Then Have Been Known (Trio) | not rated | 5:26 |
| 1:10:29 |
CD17 |
1. Act II - Scene 3 - 1. As I Was Saying | not rated | 5:32 |
2. Act II - Scene 3 - 2. You! O Nick, I've Had The Strangest Dream | not rated | 5:19 |
3. Act III - Scene 1 - 1. What Curious Phenomena | not rated | 2:51 |
4. Act III - Scene 1 - 2. Aha! | not rated | 5:32 |
5. Act III - Scene 1 - 3. Sold! Annoyed! I've Caught You! Thieving! | not rated | 6:27 |
6. Act III - Scene 1 - 4. I Go To Him | not rated | 1:57 |
7. Act III - Scene 2 - 1. Prelude | not rated | 2:21 |
8. Act III - Scene 2 - 2. How Dark And Dreadful Is This Place | not rated | 4:41 |
9. Act III - Scene 2 - 3. Very Well, Then, My Dear | not rated | 8:29 |
10. Act III - Scene 2 - 3. I Burn! I Freeze! | not rated | 3:38 |
11. Act III - Scene 3 - 1. Prepare Yourselves, Heroic Shades | not rated | 3:45 |
12. Act III - Scene 3 - 2. There He Is, Have No Fear, He Is Not Dangerous | not rated | 6:18 |
13. Act III - Scene 3 - 3. Gently, Little Boat (Lullaby) | not rated | 5:50 |
14. Act III - Scene 3 - 4. Where Art Thou, Venus? | not rated | 5:00 |
15. Act III - Epilogue - 'Good People, Just A Moment' | not rated | 2:34 |
| 1:10:22 |
CD18 |
1. Oedipus Rex (Opera-Oratorio In Two Acts After Sophocles, Revised Version 1949) - Prologue - Act I | not rated | 23:59 |
2. Oedipus Rex (Opera-Oratorio In Two Acts After Sophocles, Revised Version 1949) - Act II | not rated | 26:05 |
3. Paul Tripp, Richard Robinson, Etc.; Robert Craft: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - The Flood (A Musical Play) (Robert Craft) - 1. Prelude | not rated | 6:06 |
4. Paul Tripp, Richard Robinson, Etc.; Robert Craft: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - The Flood (A Musical Play) (Robert Craft) - 2. Melodrame | not rated | 4:50 |
5. Paul Tripp, Richard Robinson, Etc.; Robert Craft: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - The Flood (A Musical Play) (Robert Craft) - 3. The Building of the Ark (Choreography) | not rated | 2:33 |
6. Paul Tripp, Richard Robinson, Etc.; Robert Craft: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - The Flood (A Musical Play) (Robert Craft) - 4. The Catalogue of the Animals | not rated | 1:32 |
7. Paul Tripp, Richard Robinson, Etc.; Robert Craft: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - The Flood (A Musical Play) (Robert Craft) - 5. The Comedy (Noah and his wife) | not rated | 1:43 |
8. Paul Tripp, Richard Robinson, Etc.; Robert Craft: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - The Flood (A Musical Play) (Robert Craft) - 6. The Flood (Choreography) | not rated | 2:31 |
9. Paul Tripp, Richard Robinson, Etc.; Robert Craft: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - The Flood (A Musical Play) (Robert Craft) - 7. The Covenant of the Rainbow | not rated | 3:28 |
| 1:12:51 |
CD19 |
1. Igor Stravinsky: Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Ithaca College Concert Choir - Perséphone (Melodrama in 3 parts) - I. Perséphone Abducted | not rated | 11:37 |
2. Igor Stravinsky: Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Ithaca College Concert Choir - Perséphone (Melodrama in 3 parts) - II. Perséphone in the Underworld | not rated | 26:36 |
3. Igor Stravinsky: Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Ithaca College Concert Choir - Perséphone (Melodrama in 3 parts) - III. Perséphone Restored | not rated | 17:40 |
4. Igor Stravinsky: Cleveland Orchestra - Ode (Elegiacal chant in three parts) - I. Eulogy | not rated | 3:27 |
5. Igor Stravinsky: Cleveland Orchestra - Ode (Elegiacal chant in three parts) - II. Eclogue | not rated | 2:49 |
6. Igor Stravinsky: Cleveland Orchestra - Ode (Elegiacal chant in three parts) - III. Epitaph | not rated | 4:04 |
7. Monumentum pro Gesualdo di Venosa ad cd annum - I. Asciugate i begli occhi ; Madrigale XIV, Libre quinto | not rated | 2:28 |
8. Monumentum pro Gesualdo di Venosa ad cd annum - II. Ma tu, cagion di quella ; Madrigale XVIII, Libre quinto | not rated | 1:55 |
9. Monumentum pro Gesualdo di Venosa ad cd annum - III. Belta poi che t'assenti ; Madrigale II, Libre sesto | not rated | 2:42 |
| 1:13:22 |
CD20 |
1. Chorale Variations - Choral | not rated | 0:40 |
2. Chorale Variations - Variation I - In Canone All'Ottava | not rated | 1:17 |
3. Chorale Variations - Variation II - Alio Modo Canone Alla Quinta | not rated | 1:10 |
4. Chorale Variations - Variation III - In Canone Alla Settima | not rated | 2:17 |
5. Chorale Variations - Variation IV - In Canone All'Ottava Per Augmentationem | not rated | 2:33 |
6. Chorale Variations - Variation V - L'Altra Sorte Del Canone Al Rovescio | not rated | 2:45 |
7. Zvezdoliki - The Star-Faced One | not rated | 4:19 |
8. Ave Maria - Revised Version - 1949 | not rated | 1:25 |
9. Credo -Revised Version - 1964 | not rated | 2:42 |
10. Pater Noster - Revised Version - 1949 | not rated | 1:47 |
11. Cantata - A Lyke-Wake Dirge - Versus I. Prelude | not rated | 1:46 |
12. Cantata - Ricercar I - Soprano - The Maidens Came | not rated | 4:45 |
13. Cantata - A Lyke-Wake Dirge - Versus II. 1st Interlude | not rated | 1:41 |
14. Cantata - Ricercar II - Tenor - Tomorrow Shall Be - Sacred History | not rated | 11:57 |
15. Cantata - A Lyke-Wake Dirge - Versus III. 2nd Interlude | not rated | 1:42 |
16. Cantata - Westron Wind - Soprano and Tenor | not rated | 2:13 |
17. Cantata - A Lyke-Wake Dirge - Versus IV. Postlude | not rated | 2:26 |
18. Mass for mixed Chorus and double Wind Quintet - Kyrie | not rated | 2:40 |
19. Mass for mixed Chorus and double Wind Quintet - Gloria | not rated | 4:09 |
20. Mass for mixed Chorus and double Wind Quintet - Credo | not rated | 4:00 |
21. Mass for mixed Chorus and double Wind Quintet - Sanctus | not rated | 3:17 |
22. Mass for mixed Chorus and double Wind Quintet - Agnus Dei | not rated | 2:47 |
23. Babel | not rated | 5:12 |
| 1:09:41 |
CD21 |
1. Canticum Sacrum ad Honorem Sancti Marci Nominis - Dedicatio | not rated | 0:41 |
2. Canticum Sacrum ad Honorem Sancti Marci Nominis - I. Euntes in mundum | not rated | 1:39 |
3. Canticum Sacrum ad Honorem Sancti Marci Nominis - II. Surge, aquilo | not rated | 2:44 |
4. Canticum Sacrum ad Honorem Sancti Marci Nominis - III. Ad tres virtutes Hortationes (Caritas, Spes, Fides) | not rated | 8:04 |
5. Canticum Sacrum ad Honorem Sancti Marci Nominis - IV. Jesus autem ait illi | not rated | 3:06 |
6. Canticum Sacrum ad Honorem Sancti Marci Nominis - V. Illi autem profecti | not rated | 1:52 |
7. Introitus - T.S. Eliot in memoriam | not rated | 3:51 |
8. A Sermon, A Narrative And A Prayer - I. A Sermon (from St.Paul) | not rated | 4:00 |
9. A Sermon, A Narrative And A Prayer - II. A Narrative (The Stoning of St.Stephen) (Acts VI-VII) | not rated | 7:28 |
10. A Sermon, A Narrative, And A Prayer - III. A Prayer (from Thomas Dekker) | not rated | 3:51 |
11. Anthem (The Dove Descending Breaks The Air) | not rated | 3:40 |
12. Threni (Id Est Lamentationes Jeremiae Prophetae) - I. Incipit | not rated | 0:53 |
13. Threni (Id Est Lamentationes Jeremiae Prophetae) - II. De Elegia Prima | not rated | 7:42 |
14. Threni (Id Est Lamentationes Jeremiae Prophetae) - III. De Elegia Tertia; I. Querimonia - II. Sensus Spei - III. Solaciu | not rated | 18:05 |
15. Threni (Id Est Lamentationes Jeremiae Prophetae) - IV. De Elegia Quinta (Oratio Jeremiae Prophetae) | not rated | 3:09 |
| 1:10:53 |
CD22 |
1. Robert Craft - Igor Stravinsky: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - Song of the Nightingale (Symphonic Poem for Orchestra) | not rated | 18:45 |
2. Robert Craft- Igor Stravinsky: Columbia Chamber Ensemble - Danses Concertantes (for Chamber Orchestra) I. Marche. Introduction - II. Pas d'Action - III. Thème Varié - IV. Pas d | not rated | 18:24 |
3. Kalman Bloch, Arthur Gleghorn, Dorothy Remsen - Epitaphium (for the Tombstone of Prince Max Egon zu Fürstenberg) | not rated | 1:12 |
4. Otis Igleman, Israel Baker, George Neikrug, Etc. - Double Canon (for String Quartet) | not rated | 1:21 |
5. Robert Craft - Richard Frisch; Igor Stravinsky: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - Abraham and Isaac (A Sacred Ballad for Baritone and Chamber Orchestra) | not rated | 10:28 |
6. Robert Craft - Igor Stravinsky: Columbia Symphony Orchestra - Variations - Aldous Huxley in memoriam | not rated | 4:53 |
7. Requiem Canticles (To The Memory Of Helen Buchanan Seeger) - I. Prelude | not rated | 1:06 |
8. Requiem Canticles (To The Memory Of Helen Buchanan Seeger) - II. Exaudi | not rated | 1:44 |
9. Requiem Canticles (To The Memory Of Helen Buchanan Seeger) - III. Dies Irae | not rated | 0:53 |
10. Requiem Canticles (To The Memory Of Helen Buchanan Seeger) - IV. Tuba Mirum | not rated | 0:57 |
11. Requiem Canticles (To The Memory Of Helen Buchanan Seeger) - V. Interlude | not rated | 2:52 |
12. Requiem Canticles (To The Memory Of Helen Buchanan Seeger) - VI. Rex Tremendae | not rated | 1:23 |
13. Requiem Canticles (To The Memory Of Helen Buchanan Seeger) - VII. Lacrimosa | not rated | 1:39 |
14. Requiem Canticles (To The Memory Of Helen Buchanan Seeger) - VIII. Libera Me | not rated | 0:59 |
15. Requiem Canticles (To The Memory Of Helen Buchanan Seeger) - IX. Postlude | not rated | 2:12 |
| 1:08:55 |
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