Wings Over America

Wings - Wings Over America

  • Release date: 10/5/1999
  • Format: LP
  • **** 1/2
  • Added November 11, 2009
  • Rated February 28, 2017


1. Venus and Mars/Rock Show/Jetnot rated0:00
2. Let Me Roll Itnot rated0:00
3. Spirits of Ancient Egyptnot rated0:00
4. Medicine Jarnot rated0:00
5. Maybe I'm Amazednot rated0:00
6. Call Me Back Againnot rated0:00
7. Lady Madonnanot rated0:00
8. Long and Winding Roadnot rated0:00
9. Live and Let Dienot rated0:00
10. Picasso's Last Words (Drink to Me)not rated0:00
11. Richard Corynot rated0:00
12. Bluebirdnot rated0:00
13. I've Just Seen a Facenot rated0:00
14. Blackbirdnot rated0:00
15. Yesterday - Wingsnot rated0:00
16. You Gave Me the Answernot rated0:00
17. Magneto and Titanium Mannot rated0:00
18. Go Nownot rated0:00
19. My Lovenot rated0:00
20. Listen to What the Man Saidnot rated0:00
21. Let 'Em In - Wingsnot rated0:00
22. Time to Hidenot rated0:00
23. Silly Love Songsnot rated0:00
24. Beware My Lovenot rated0:00
25. Letting Gonot rated0:00
26. Band on the Runnot rated0:00
27. Hi, Hi, Hinot rated0:00
28. Soilynot rated0:00

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