Complete list of paulchina's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
VictoriusDemon legionsThe Awakening5:58not ratedFLAC2013
VictoriusKings rebornThe Awakening4:28not ratedFLAC2013
VictoriusLake of hopeThe Awakening4:29not ratedFLAC2013
VictoriusMetalheartThe Awakening3:34not ratedFLAC2013
VictoriusStarfireThe Awakening3:50not ratedFLAC2013
VictoriusThe awakeningThe Awakening4:34not ratedFLAC2013
VictoriusThrough the dead landsThe Awakening4:40not ratedFLAC2013
VictoriusUnder burning skiesThe Awakening3:50not ratedFLAC2013
VictoriusVictorius - Heart of the PhoenixHeart Of The Phoenix45:24not ratedFLAC2017
VictoryAlways The SameCulture Killed The Native (German) PBTHAL (1989 Hard Rock) [Flac 24-96 LP]2:57not ratedFLAC1989
VictoryBackseat RiderLiveline3:02not ratedMP31994
VictoryBackseat RiderLiveline4:22not ratedMP31994
VictoryCheck´s in the MailLivelinenot ratedMP31994
VictoryCome TogetherLiveline3:27not ratedMP31994
VictoryDo You Look As GoodTaking the Fight3:04not ratedMP31982
VictoryDon't Tell No LiesCulture Killed The Native (German) PBTHAL (1989 Hard Rock) [Flac 24-96 LP]3:54not ratedFLAC1989
VictoryDon´t Tell no LiesLiveline5:07not ratedMP31994
VictoryEasy ChairTaking the Fight3:55not ratedMP31982
VictoryFriendly PersuasionTaking the Fight3:13not ratedMP31982
VictoryGod of SoundLiveline5:31not ratedMP31994
VictoryHere And NowTaking the Fight2:40not ratedMP31982
VictoryI Come Out StrongerTaking the Fight2:51not ratedMP31982
VictoryI Want To Be HolyTaking the Fight4:07not ratedMP31982
VictoryIntroLiveline0:26not ratedMP31994
VictoryLet It Rock OnCulture Killed The Native (German) PBTHAL (1989 Hard Rock) [Flac 24-96 LP]3:06not ratedFLAC1989

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