Complete list of paulchina's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
VektorBlack FutureBlack Future5:03not ratedM4A2009
VektorCharging the VoidTerminal Redux9:12not ratedM4A2016
VektorCollapseTerminal Redux9:22not ratedM4A2016
VektorCosmic CortexOuter Isolation10:22not ratedM4A2011
VektorCygnus TerminalTerminal Redux8:15not ratedM4A2016
VektorDark Creations, Dead CreatorsOuter Isolation3:25not ratedM4A2011
VektorDark NebulaBlack Future10:28not ratedM4A2009
VektorDeoxyribonucleic AcidBlack Future4:45not ratedM4A2009
VektorDestroying the CosmosBlack Future6:47not ratedM4A2009
VektorDying WorldOuter Isolation5:18not ratedM4A2011
VektorEcholess ChamberOuter Isolation5:17not ratedM4A2011
VektorFast Paced SocietyOuter Isolation6:45not ratedM4A2011
VektorForests of LegendBlack Future10:16not ratedM4A2009
VektorHunger for ViolenceBlack Future5:30not ratedM4A2009
VektorLCD (Liquid Crystal Disease)Terminal Redux7:32not ratedM4A2016
VektorMountains Above the SunTerminal Redux1:22not ratedM4A2016
VektorOblivionBlack Future4:53not ratedM4A2009
VektorOuter IsolationOuter Isolation8:27not ratedM4A2011
VektorPillars of SandTerminal Redux5:19not ratedM4A2016
VektorPsychotropiaTerminal Redux7:38not ratedM4A2016
VektorPteropticonTerminal Redux6:00not ratedM4A2016
VektorRecharging the VoidTerminal Redux13:38not ratedM4A2016
VektorTetrastructural MindsOuter Isolation5:21not ratedM4A2011
VektorUltimate ArtificerTerminal Redux5:04not ratedM4A2016
VektorVenus ProjectOuter Isolation6:47not ratedM4A2011

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