Complete list of paulchina's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
707The Party's OverThe Second Album [Rock Candy Remaster]4:23not ratedMP31981
707Tonite's Your NiteThe Second Album [Rock Candy Remaster]4:01not ratedMP31981
707Waste of Time707 [Rock Candy Remaster]4:52not ratedMP31980
707We Will LastMega Force [Rock Candy Remaster +6]3:17not ratedMP31982
707We Will LastMega Force3:18not rated2241982
707Whole Lot Better707 [Rock Candy Remaster]6:36not ratedMP31980
707Write AgainMega Force [Rock Candy Remaster +6]3:23not ratedMP31982
707Write AgainMega Force3:23not rated2241982
707You Who Needs to Know707 [Rock Candy Remaster]5:02not ratedMP31980
8I can't control myself1983 - UK live4:40not ratedMP31983
9Too young1983 - UK live5:38not ratedMP31983
91 SuiteAnother ReasonTimes They Change3:55not rated1922005
91 SuiteEvery Day Goes ByTimes They Change3:07not rated1922005
91 SuiteFar AwayTimes They Change4:34not rated1922005
91 SuiteHard To ForgetTimes They Change4:02not rated1922005
91 SuiteHopes And DreamsTimes They Change4:00not rated1922005
91 SuiteI Wannabe In LoveTimes They Change3:44not rated1922005
91 SuiteIntroTimes They Change0:57not rated1922005
91 SuiteRemember The Good TimesTimes They Change4:00not rated1922005
91 SuiteSeal With A KissTimes They Change3:38not rated1922005
91 SuiteStand Beside YouTimes They Change4:25not rated1922005
91 SuiteTell Me WhyTimes They Change3:55not rated1922005
91 SuiteTimes They ChangeTimes They Change3:38not rated1922005
91 SuiteWill You EverTimes They Change4:11not rated1922005
91 SuiteWings Of FireTimes They Change3:26not rated1922005

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