Complete list of paulchina's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
'7721st Century RockMP32009not rated44:58
'77Maximum Rock 'n RollMP32013not rated35:36
(Phil Lynott's) Grand SlamKerrang! Festival, Great YarmouthFLAC10/12/1984not rated38:45
(Phil Lynott's) Grand SlamLive DocFLAC10/12/1984not rated52:05
(Phil Lynott's) Grand SlamParis TheatreFLAC1984not rated30:36
(Phil Lynott's) Grand SlamThe Studio SessionsFLAC2002not rated1:30:15
100% ProofPower And The Glory1921983not rated40:17
10ccBloody TouristsFLAC1978not rated53:51
10ccDeceptive BendsFLAC1977not rated51:33
10ccHow Dare You!FLAC1976not rated54:15
10ccLive And Let LiveFLAC1977not rated1:30:20
10ccLook HearFLAC1980not rated52:30
10ccTenologyFLAC2012not rated4:34:02
10ccThe Original SoundtrackFLAC1975not rated56:32
10ccThe Very Best Of 10ccVBR1997not rated1:16:55
10ccTwo Classic Albums: ''10cc'' & ''Sheet Music''FLAC1990not rated1:16:50
19941994 (2005 remaster)FLAC1978not rated1:04:43
1994Please Stand By...MP31979not rated36:37
1st AvenueTears And Triumph3201992not rated50:21
21 GunsSalute [Rock Candy Remaster]MP31992not rated50:56
2woVoyeursFLAC1997not rated46:36
38 Special38 SpecialFLAC1977not rated40:27
38 SpecialBone Against SteelFLAC1991not rated1:04:10
38 SpecialDrivetrainFLAC2004not rated55:08
38 SpecialLive At SturgisFLAC1999not rated1:06:51

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