Complete list of patryq's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Quinn LemleyBewitched, Bothered and BewilderedQuinn Lemley is Rita Hayworth: The Heat Is On!3:27not ratedCD2000
Quinn LemleyBlue Pacific BluesQuinn Lemley is Rita Hayworth: The Heat Is On!3:02not ratedCD2000
Quinn LemleyBow MusicQuinn Lemley is Rita Hayworth: The Heat Is On!1:08not ratedCD2000
Quinn LemleyFire Down BelowQuinn Lemley is Rita Hayworth: The Heat Is On!2:25not ratedCD2000
Quinn LemleyFire Down Below IntroQuinn Lemley is Rita Hayworth: The Heat Is On!0:23not ratedCD2000
Quinn LemleyI've been Kissed BeforeQuinn Lemley is Rita Hayworth: The Heat Is On!2:36not ratedCD2000
Quinn LemleyLong Ago and Far Away/I'm Old FashionedQuinn Lemley is Rita Hayworth: The Heat Is On!3:30not ratedCD2000
Quinn LemleyOvertureQuinn Lemley is Rita Hayworth: The Heat Is On!1:10not ratedCD2000
Quinn LemleyPlease Don't Kiss MeQuinn Lemley is Rita Hayworth: The Heat Is On!2:55not ratedCD2000
Quinn LemleyPut The Blame on MameQuinn Lemley is Rita Hayworth: The Heat Is On!3:06not ratedCD2000
Quinn LemleyThe Heat Is OnQuinn Lemley is Rita Hayworth: The Heat Is On!2:19not ratedCD2000
Quinn LemleyThe Shorty GeorgeQuinn Lemley is Rita Hayworth: The Heat Is On!2:20not ratedCD2000
Quinn LemleyTrinidad LadyQuinn Lemley is Rita Hayworth: The Heat Is On!2:24not ratedCD2000
Quinn LemleyWho's That GirlQuinn Lemley is Rita Hayworth: The Heat Is On!2:24not ratedCD2000
Quite RightSaturday Night DivasGirlPower! A Tribute To Spice Girls4:53not ratedCD1998
Quite RightViva ForeverGirlPower! A Tribute To Spice Girls4:18not ratedCD1998
QuivverSpace Manoeuveres Part 3Creamfields4:08not ratedCD2004
Qveen HerbyA WomanA Womannot ratedCD2021
Qveen HerbyBalenciaga DreamsA Womannot ratedCD2021
Qveen HerbyBlack SheepA Womannot ratedCD2021
Qveen HerbyCeline DionA Womannot ratedCD2021
Qveen HerbyFasterA Womannot ratedCD2021
Qveen HerbyGood MorningA Womannot ratedCD2021
Qveen HerbyGucci VisionA Womannot ratedCD2021
Qveen HerbyJuiceA Womannot ratedCD2021

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