Complete list of patryq's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
LostUnbreak My HeartHot Tracks: The Best Of NRG For The 90's Volume 65:28not ratedCD1997
Lost BoyzReneeDowntown Julie Brown's Hip Hop Box4:55not ratedCD1998
Lotte LenyaA Boy Like You (From Street Scene)Lotte Lenya Sings Kurt Weillnot ratedCD6/29/1999
Lotte LenyaFoolish Heart (From One Touch of Venus)Lotte Lenya Sings Kurt Weillnot ratedCD6/29/1999
Lotte LenyaGreen Up Time (From Love Life)Lotte Lenya Sings Kurt Weillnot ratedCD6/29/1999
Lotte LenyaIt Couldn't Please Me More (A Pineapple) from CabaretLotte Lenya Sings Kurt Weillnot ratedCD6/29/1999
Lotte LenyaIt Never Was You (From Knickerbocker Holiday)Lotte Lenya Sings Kurt Weillnot ratedCD6/29/1999
Lotte LenyaLonely House (From Street Scene)Lotte Lenya Sings Kurt Weillnot ratedCD6/29/1999
Lotte LenyaLost in the Stars (From Lost in the Stars)Lotte Lenya Sings Kurt Weillnot ratedCD6/29/1999
Lotte LenyaMack The Knife (Moritat) - Louis Armstrong & His All StarsLotte Lenya Sings Kurt Weillnot ratedCD6/29/1999
Lotte LenyaMack the Knife Session takes from The Threepenny OperaLotte Lenya Sings Kurt Weillnot ratedCD6/29/1999
Lotte LenyaMarried from CabaretLotte Lenya Sings Kurt Weillnot ratedCD6/29/1999
Lotte LenyaMoritat vom Mackie Messer from Die Dreigroschenoper - Turk MurphyLotte Lenya Sings Kurt Weillnot ratedCD6/29/1999
Lotte LenyaSaga of Jenny (From Lady in the Dark)Lotte Lenya Sings Kurt Weillnot ratedCD6/29/1999
Lotte LenyaSeptember Song (From Knickerbocker Holiday)Lotte Lenya Sings Kurt Weillnot ratedCD6/29/1999
Lotte LenyaSing Me Not a Ballad (From The Firebrand of Florence)Lotte Lenya Sings Kurt Weillnot ratedCD6/29/1999
Lotte LenyaSo What? from CabaretLotte Lenya Sings Kurt Weillnot ratedCD6/29/1999
Lotte LenyaSong (From Mother Courage, as performed in Brecht on Brecht)Lotte Lenya Sings Kurt Weillnot ratedCD6/29/1999
Lotte LenyaSong of a German Mother (From Brecht on Brecht)Lotte Lenya Sings Kurt Weillnot ratedCD6/29/1999
Lotte LenyaSong of Ruth (From The Eternal Road)Lotte Lenya Sings Kurt Weillnot ratedCD6/29/1999
Lotte LenyaSpeak Low (From One Touch of Venus)Lotte Lenya Sings Kurt Weillnot ratedCD6/29/1999
Lotte LenyaStay Well (From Lost in the Stars)Lotte Lenya Sings Kurt Weillnot ratedCD6/29/1999
Lotte LenyaThe Solomon Song (From The Threepenny Opera, as performed in Brecht on Brecht)Lotte Lenya Sings Kurt Weillnot ratedCD6/29/1999
Lotte LenyaTrouble Man (From Lost in the Stars)Lotte Lenya Sings Kurt Weillnot ratedCD6/29/1999
Lotte LenyaWhat Would You Do? from CabaretLotte Lenya Sings Kurt Weillnot ratedCD6/29/1999

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