Complete list of orklord's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Trap ThemTwitching In The AurasCrown Feral3:30not ratedLP9/23/2016
TribulationWhere the Gloom Becomes Soundnot ratedLP
TribulationThe Children Of The Nightnot ratedCD
TribulationThe Children Of The Nightnot ratedCD
TribulationWhere the Gloom Becomes Soundnot ratedLP
TribulationWhere the Gloom Becomes Soundnot ratedLP
TribulationWhere the Gloom Becomes Soundnot ratedLP
TribulationWhere the Gloom Becomes Soundnot ratedLP
TribulationThe Children Of The Nightnot ratedCD
TribulationWhere the Gloom Becomes Soundnot ratedLP
TribulationWhere the Gloom Becomes Soundnot ratedLP
TribulationThe Children Of The Nightnot ratedCD
TribulationThe Children Of The Nightnot ratedCD
TribulationThe Children Of The Nightnot ratedCD
TribulationThe Children Of The Nightnot ratedCD
TribulationWhere the Gloom Becomes Soundnot ratedLP
TribulationThe Children Of The Nightnot ratedCD
TribulationWhere the Gloom Becomes Soundnot ratedLP
TribulationThe Children Of The Nightnot ratedCD
TribulationWhere the Gloom Becomes Soundnot ratedLP
TribulationThe Children Of The Nightnot ratedCD
Tribulation????The Formulas Of Death2:32not ratedLP3/1/2013
TribulationApparitionsthe Formulas of Death13:17not ratedCD5/14/2013
TribulationApparitionsThe Formulas Of Death13:24not ratedLP3/1/2013
TribulationCauda PavonisThe Children of the Night2:55not ratedLP4/17/2015

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