Complete list of orklord's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
AvengerEnforcerBlood Sports3:53not ratedLP1/1/1984
AvengerFace the GroundKiller Elite2:46not ratedLP1/1/1985
AvengerHard TimesKiller Elite1:59not ratedLP1/1/1985
AvengerM.M. 85Killer Elite2:06not ratedLP1/1/1985
AvengerMatriarch [Montrose Cover]Blood Sports3:52not ratedLP1/1/1984
AvengerNight of the JackalBlood Sports5:29not ratedLP1/1/1984
AvengerOn the RocksBlood Sports2:51not ratedLP1/1/1984
AvengerRevenge AttackKiller Elite4:17not ratedLP1/1/1985
AvengerRough RideBlood Sports3:28not ratedLP1/1/1984
AvengerRun For Your LiveKiller Elite3:01not ratedLP1/1/1985
AvengerSawmillKiller Elite3:39not ratedLP1/1/1985
AvengerSteel on SteelKiller Elite4:42not ratedLP1/1/1985
AvengerUnder the HammerKiller Elite2:29not ratedLP1/1/1985
AvengerVictims of ForceBlood Sports3:30not ratedLP1/1/1984
AvengerWarfareBlood Sports5:26not ratedLP1/1/1984
AvengerYesterdays HeroesKiller Elite4:43not ratedLP1/1/1985
AvengerYou'll Never Make Me (Alive)Blood Sports3:23not ratedLP1/1/1984
Awaiting the AutopsyBackyard AutopsyCouldn't Tell The Bodies Apart2:39not ratedCD4/29/2009
Awaiting the AutopsyBaseball Bat LobotomyCouldn't Tell The Bodies Apart2:48not ratedCD4/29/2009
Awaiting the AutopsyFacelifterCouldn't Tell The Bodies Apart2:57not ratedCD4/29/2009
Awaiting the AutopsyFeet First Woodchopper SuicideCouldn't Tell The Bodies Apart2:49not ratedCD4/29/2009
Awaiting the AutopsyFull Body HaemorrhageCouldn't Tell The Bodies Apart2:03not ratedCD4/29/2009
Awaiting the AutopsyHung by the TongueCouldn't Tell The Bodies Apart2:44not ratedCD4/29/2009
Awaiting the AutopsyIntestinal Self StrangulationCouldn't Tell The Bodies Apart2:06not ratedCD4/29/2009
Awaiting the AutopsySlowmotion Slide Down the Impalement StakeCouldn't Tell The Bodies Apart3:07not ratedCD4/29/2009

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