Complete list of orklord's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Armored SaintRaising FearSaints Will Conquer3:32not rated12" vinyl8/19/1988
ArtchAnother Return To Church HillAnother Return5:29not ratedLP1/1/1988
ArtchConversio PreludeAnother Return1:00not ratedLP1/1/1988
ArtchLiving In The PastAnother Return4:26not ratedLP1/1/1988
ArtchLoadedAnother Return4:10not ratedLP1/1/1988
ArtchMetal LifeAnother Return5:06not ratedLP1/1/1988
ArtchPower To The ManAnother Return3:57not ratedLP1/1/1988
ArtchReincarnationAnother Return4:04not ratedLP1/1/1988
ArtchShoot To KillAnother Return4:55not ratedLP1/1/1988
ArtchThe Promised LandAnother Return3:42not ratedLP1/1/1988
ArtchWhere I GoAnother Return6:02not ratedLP1/1/1988
ArtilleryFear of Tomorrownot ratedCD
ArtilleryFear of Tomorrownot ratedCD
ArtilleryFear of Tomorrownot ratedCD
ArtilleryFear of Tomorrownot ratedCD
ArtilleryFear of Tomorrownot ratedCD
ArtilleryFear of Tomorrownot ratedCD
ArtilleryFear of Tomorrownot ratedCD
ArtilleryFear of Tomorrownot ratedCD
ArtilleryFear of Tomorrownot ratedCD
ArtilleryFear of Tomorrownot ratedCD
Artillery7:00 from TashkentBy Inheritance0:54not ratedLP6/19/1990
ArtilleryBack in the TrashBy Inheritance6:01not ratedLP6/19/1990
ArtilleryBeneath the Clay (R.I.P.)By Inheritance4:49not ratedLP6/19/1990
ArtilleryBombfoodBy Inheritance5:44not ratedLP6/19/1990

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