Complete list of orklord's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Municipal WasteJesus FreaksFatal Feast2:24not ratedCD4/24/2012
Municipal WasteLunch Hall Food Brawlthe Art of Partying1:58not ratedCD6/11/2007
Municipal WasteMasked By DeliriumMassive Aggressive1:56not ratedCD8/25/2009
Municipal WasteMassive AggressiveMassive Aggressive1:41not ratedCD8/25/2009
Municipal WasteMech-CannibalMassive Aggressive2:20not ratedCD8/25/2009
Municipal WasteMedia SkepticMassive Aggressive1:32not ratedCD8/25/2009
Municipal WasteMental Shockthe Art of Partying1:48not ratedCD6/11/2007
Municipal WasteMind EraserHazardous Mutation2:17not ratedCD8/29/2005
Municipal WasteNailed CasketHazardous Mutation1:36not ratedCD8/29/2005
Municipal WasteNew Dead MastersFatal Feast2:48not ratedCD4/24/2012
Municipal WasteOpen Your Mindthe Art of Partying1:54not ratedCD6/11/2007
Municipal WastePre Gamethe Art of Partying0:39not ratedCD6/11/2007
Municipal WasteRadioactive Forcethe Art of Partying2:27not ratedCD6/11/2007
Municipal WasteRelentless ThreatMassive Aggressive2:37not ratedCD8/25/2009
Municipal WasteRepossessionFatal Feast2:25not ratedCD4/24/2012
Municipal WasteResidential DisasterFatal Feast4:00not ratedCD4/24/2012
Municipal WasteRigorous Vengeacethe Art of Partying2:12not ratedCD6/11/2007
Municipal WasteSadistic Magicianthe Art of Partying2:09not ratedCD6/11/2007
Municipal WasteSeptic Detonationthe Art of Partying1:20not ratedCD6/11/2007
Municipal WasteSet To DestructHazardous Mutation2:01not ratedCD8/29/2005
Municipal WasteShredded OfferingMassive Aggressive2:28not ratedCD8/25/2009
Municipal WasteStandards and PracticesFatal Feast3:01not ratedCD4/24/2012
Municipal WasteTerror SharkHazardous Mutation1:42not ratedCD8/29/2005
Municipal WasteThe Art of Partyingthe Art of Partying2:03not ratedCD6/11/2007
Municipal Wastethe Fatal FeastFatal Feast3:09not ratedCD4/24/2012

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