Complete list of orklord's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
3 Inches of BloodRevenge is a VultureAdvance and Vanquish3:26not ratedCD9/28/2004
3 Inches Of BloodRock In HellHere Waits Thy Doom4:56not ratedCD8/31/2009
3 Inches Of BloodSilent KillerHere Waits Thy Doom4:12not ratedCD8/31/2009
3 Inches Of BloodSnake FighterHere Waits Thy Doom3:18not ratedCD8/31/2009
3 Inches of BloodSwordmasterAdvance and Vanquish4:24not ratedCD9/28/2004
3 Inches Of BloodThe Goatriders HordeFire Up The Blades4:02not ratedCD5/28/2007
3 Inches Of BloodThe Great Hall Of FeastingFire Up The Blades3:53not ratedCD5/28/2007
3 Inches Of BloodThe Hydra's TeethFire Up The Blades4:49not ratedCD5/28/2007
3 Inches of BloodThe Phantom of the Crimson CloakAdvance and Vanquish3:11not ratedCD9/28/2004
3 Inches Of BloodThrough The Horned GateFire Up The Blades2:07not ratedCD5/28/2007
3 Inches Of BloodTrial Of ChampionsFire Up The Blades3:39not ratedCD5/28/2007
3 Inches of BloodWykydtronAdvance and Vanquish3:52not ratedCD9/28/2004
5 Stabbed 4 CorpsesButt, Butt, Happy FistfuckDance or Die1:36not ratedCD7/12/2013
5 Stabbed 4 CorpsesDance or DieDance or Die2:46not ratedCD7/12/2013
5 Stabbed 4 CorpsesDivvy Girls ToyDance or Die2:42not ratedCD7/12/2013
5 Stabbed 4 CorpsesDrunken MonkeysDance or Die1:54not ratedCD7/12/2013
5 Stabbed 4 CorpsesDrunken MonkeysDance or Die3:01not ratedCD7/12/2013
5 Stabbed 4 CorpsesEntrails Stew for BBQDance or Die2:25not ratedCD7/12/2013
5 Stabbed 4 CorpsesFinal MasturbationDance or Die2:27not ratedCD7/12/2013
5 Stabbed 4 CorpsesGrannies Gang BangDance or Die3:13not ratedCD7/12/2013
5 Stabbed 4 CorpsesPig CelebrationDance or Die2:40not ratedCD7/12/2013
5 Stabbed 4 CorpsesPsycho DanceDance or Die2:49not ratedCD7/12/2013
5 Stabbed 4 CorpsesRide a KnifeDance or Die3:40not ratedCD7/12/2013
5 Stabbed 4 CorpsesRomantic Slaughter BoyDance or Die2:33not ratedCD7/12/2013
5 Stabbed 4 CorpsesSick Big ClitDance or Die3:09not ratedCD7/12/2013

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