Black to the Blind

Vader - Black to the Blind

  • Release date: 10/13/1997
  • Genre: Death Metal
  • Format: CD
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 30:35
  • *** 1/2
  • Added February 4, 2013
  • Rated March 2, 2024


1. Piotr Wiwezarek - Heading for Internal Darknessnot rated2:26
2. Piotr Wiwezarek - The Innermost Ambiencenot rated1:33
3. Piotr Wiwezarek - Carnalnot rated2:09
4. Piotr Wiwezarek - Fractal Lightnot rated2:42
5. Piotr Wiwezarek - True Namesnot rated3:37
6. Piotr Wiwezarek - The Beast Rapingnot rated2:42
7. Piotr Wiwezarek - Foetus Godnot rated2:44
8. Piotr Wiwezarek - The Red Passagenot rated3:01
9. Piotr Wiwezarek - Distant Dreamnot rated2:26
10. Piotr Wiwezarek - Black to the Blindnot rated4:07
11. Piotr Wiwezarek - Anamnesinot rated3:08

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