Carnage Euphoria

Vomitory - Carnage Euphoria

  • Release date: 5/8/2009
  • Genre: Death Metal
  • Format: CD
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 39:02
  • ****
  • Added June 20, 2012
  • Rated April 14, 2023


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2. Tobias Gustafsson - Serpentsnot rated3:25
3. Tobias Gustafsson - A Lesson In Virulencenot rated4:46
4. Tobias Gustafsson - Ripe Cadaversnot rated4:19
5. Tobias Gustafsson - Rage Of Honournot rated2:35
6. Tobias Gustafsson - The Ravenous Deadnot rated4:31
7. Peter Östlund - Deadlocknot rated3:10
8. Tobias Gustafsson - Rebirth Of The Grotesquenot rated4:04
9. Tobias Gustafsson - Possessednot rated2:13
10. Peter Östlund - Great Deceivernot rated5:25

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