Fight for the Rock

Savatage - Fight for the Rock

  • Release date: 6/30/1986
  • Genre: Progressive Metal
  • Format: LP
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 37:26
  • *** 1/2
  • Added November 2, 2006
  • Rated June 15, 2015


1. Jon Oliva, Criss Oliva, Steve "Doc" Wacholz - Fight For The Rocknot rated3:55
2. Jon Oliva, Criss Oliva - Out On The Streetsnot rated3:58
3. Jon Oliva, Criss Oliva - Crying For Lovenot rated3:27
4. Peter Ham - Day After Day [Badfinger Cover]not rated3:40
5. Jon Oliva, Criss Oliva - Edge Of Midnightnot rated4:52
6. Jon Oliva, Criss Oliva - Hydenot rated3:51
7. Jon Oliva - Lady In Disguisenot rated3:08
8. Jon Oliva, Criss Oliva, Steve "Doc" Wacholz - She's Only Rock 'n' Rollnot rated3:19
9. Paul Rodgers, Simon Kirke, Paul Kossolf, Tetsu Yamauchi, John Bundrick - Wishing Well [Free Cover]not rated3:20
10. Jon Oliva, Criss Oliva, Johnny Lee Middleton - Red Light Paradisenot rated3:56

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