The Everything and the Nothing

Celer - The Everything and the Nothing

  • Release date: 2008
  • Format: CD
  • Duration: 1:10:59
  • not rated
  • Added January 19


1. Illegal Photographs of the Funeral Firesnot rated3:35
2. In a Pulsenot rated16:57
3. Dancing as Terrorismnot rated3:23
4. Varanasinot rated1:33
5. Auctorial Days of Delhinot rated2:39
6. So Very Sari I Swearnot rated2:41
7. Chest Mulctnot rated1:52
8. The Sangha Insidenot rated1:06
9. Sweepnot rated2:33
10. The Ananta-Shesha Over the Gangesnot rated4:08
11. New Years in Dharamsalanot rated12:04
12. Leaving a New Homenot rated8:30
13. Shesha (That Which Remains)not rated9:53

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