Complete list of oneforwill's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Wayne HernandezWhy Sleep Alone TonightTelepathic4:59not ratedMP31987
Wayne KountyBring it Home (Ft. Queen Latifah)Fantasy World4:16not ratedMP32006
Wayne KountyConsequencesFantasy World5:08not ratedMP32006
Wayne KountyDo You Really Like itFantasy World3:25not ratedMP32006
Wayne KountyFantasy WorldFantasy World2:04not ratedMP32006
Wayne KountyGive Ya Whatcha NeedFantasy World3:31not ratedMP32006
Wayne KountyHalftime ShowFantasy World4:16not ratedMP32006
Wayne KountyHeroineFantasy World4:45not ratedMP32006
Wayne KountyI Care (Bonus)Fantasy World3:42not ratedMP32006
Wayne KountyI Wanna Take You AwayFantasy World3:28not ratedMP32006
Wayne KountyMothershipFantasy World1:07not ratedMP32006
Wayne KountySnapshotsFantasy World4:01not ratedMP32006
Wayne KountySomeone New (Ft. Amp Fiddler)Fantasy World3:05not ratedMP32006
Wayne KountySuperheroFantasy World3:17not ratedMP32006
Wayne KountyThe Fast LifeFantasy World3:19not ratedMP32006
Wayne KountyXception (Ft. George Clinton)Fantasy World4:16not ratedMP32006
Wayne Marshall90 DegreesNinety Degrees & Rising0:29not ratedMP31994
Wayne MarshallCaressCensored!3:39not ratedMP31994
Wayne MarshallCinema IntermissionNinety Degrees & Rising0:20not ratedMP31994
Wayne MarshallFor Those Who've Got the JuiceNinety Degrees & Rising0:35not ratedMP31994
Wayne MarshallGoodie GoodyNinety Degrees & Rising3:47not ratedMP31994
Wayne MarshallHump TonightNinety Degrees & Rising4:44not ratedMP31994
Wayne MarshallHump Tonite (Land Rover Mix)Censored!4:45not ratedMP31994
Wayne MarshallIt's Gonna Be WickedCensored!3:34not ratedMP31994
Wayne MarshallJuice MeNinety Degrees & Rising3:29not ratedMP31994

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