The Jimmy Castor Bunch (16 albums)

Artist Released Title Format Category Duration Genres
The Jimmy Castor Bunch1980CMP3Funk Classics33:58Funk
The Jimmy Castor Bunch1973Dimension IIIMP3Soul29:23Soul
The Jimmy Castor Bunch1976E-Man Groovin'MP3Soul35:09Soul
The Jimmy Castor Bunch1972It's Just BegunMP3Soul35:25Soul
The Jimmy Castor Bunch1972It's Just BegunMP3Soul35:26Soul
The Jimmy Castor Bunch1974Jimmy Castor (The Everything Man) & the Jimmy Castor BunchMP3Soul43:27Soul
The Jimmy Castor Bunch1974Jimmy Castor (The Everything Man) and the Jimmy Castor BunchMP3Soul42:59Soul
The Jimmy Castor Bunch1978Let It OutMP3Funk Classics42:01Funk
The Jimmy Castor Bunch1978Let It OutMP3Funk Classics41:08Funk
The Jimmy Castor Bunch1977Maximum StimulationMP3Funk Classics39:55Funk
The Jimmy Castor Bunch1977Maximum StimulationMP3Funk Classics39:38Funk
The Jimmy Castor Bunch1972Phase TwoMP3Soul36:48Soul
The Jimmy Castor Bunch1972Phase TwoMP3Soul36:46Soul
The Jimmy Castor Bunch1975SupersoundMP3Funk Classics30:40Funk
The Jimmy Castor Bunch1979The Jimmy Castor BunchMP3Disco40:01Disco
The Jimmy Castor Bunch1979The Jimmy Castor BunchMP3Funk Classics40:13Funk