Complete list of oneforwill's albums

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Artist Released Title Format Category Duration Genres
The Pointer Sisters1973The Pointer SistersMP3Funk Classics39:30Funk
The Pointers Sisters1985ContactMP3Funk Classics1:18:00Funk
The Product G&b2001Ghetto & BluesMP3R&B Male1:03:31R&B
The Pussycat Dolls2008Doll DominationMP3R&B Female1:25:38R&B
The Pussycat Dolls2005PcdMP3R&B Female44:16R&B
The Quick1982One Night in a BlackoutMP3Funk Classics37:31Funk
The Quick1986Wah! Wah!MP3Pop40:51Pop
The Radiant1989Catch The GlowMP3R&B Male47:36R&B
The Rainbow Girls1990Girl's LifeMP3R&B Female36:32R&B
The Real Seduction1993It's RealMP3R&B Male58:30R&B
The Real Thing19774 From 8MP3Disco37:35Disco
The Real Thing1978Can You Feel The ForceMP3Disco43:23Disco
The Real Thing1979Saints Or SinnersMP3Funk Classics43:37Funk
The Rebirth2005This Journey inMP3R&B Mixed1:05:10R&B
The Reddings1983Back to BasicsMP3Funk Classics32:11Funk
The Reddings1981ClassMP3Funk Classics35:33Funk
The Reddings1985If Looks Could KillMP3Funk Classics35:02Funk
The Reddings1982Steamin' HotMP3Funk Classics31:52Funk
The Reddings1981The AwakeningMP3Funk Classics33:11Funk
The Reddings1988The ReddingsMP3Funk Classics49:23Funk
The Rhythm Makers1976Soul on Your SideMP3Disco29:16Disco
The Right Choice1989The Right ChoiceMP3R&B Male44:59R&B
The Ritchie Family1977African QueensMP3Disco33:37Disco
The Ritchie Family1983All Night All RightMP3Funk Classics43:30Funk
The Ritchie Family1978American GenerationMP3Disco27:52Disco

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