Mike Walla
Odd Passion

Mike Walla - Odd Passion

  • Release date: 2008
  • Genre: R&B
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: R&B Male
  • Duration: 1:10:24
  • not rated
  • Added June 2, 2013


1. Odd Passion (Intro-Glow)not rated2:24
2. Eye Glow Dance - Intro Continuenot rated2:38
3. Shacklesnot rated3:48
4. Hidewaynot rated2:57
5. U Got Me on a Hygh! (Featuring Reece)not rated3:40
6. Electric Passionnot rated3:20
7. Breathenot rated3:55
8. Valley Stroke (Featuring Beaute & Rec)not rated3:49
9. Moodnot rated2:39
10. Agendanot rated3:48
11. Zeldanot rated3:20
12. I Wannanot rated4:15
13. It Ain't Overnot rated3:41
14. Proposal (Featuring Prince Panki)not rated3:19
15. Testimonynot rated5:08
16. Breakdownnot rated2:45
17. Graduationnot rated3:03
18. When Yon Are Lonelynot rated2:45
19. Prayer of Jabez with Teddy Rileynot rated2:31
20. Alonenot rated3:16
21. Fire (Featuring Beaute)not rated3:23

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