Johnny Horton
Greatest Hits

Johnny Horton - Greatest Hits

  • Release date: 1964
  • Genre: Country
  • Format: Bottom Row
  • Category: country
  • Duration: 33:06
  • *****
  • Added February 28, 1989
  • Rated May 6, 2007


1. North to Alaskanot rated2:48
2. Whispering pinesnot rated2:56
3. Johnny Rebnot rated2:20
4. The mansion you stolenot rated3:07
5. I'm ready, if you're willingnot rated2:18
6. When it's springtime in Alaskanot rated2:36
7. The battle of New Orleansnot rated2:31
8. All for the love of a girlnot rated2:46
9. Sink the Bismarcknot rated3:15
10. Comanchenot rated3:08
11. Jim Bridgernot rated2:27
12. Johnny Freedomnot rated2:50

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