John Williamson
A Hell of a Career

John Williamson - A Hell of a Career

  • Release date: 2013
  • Genre: Australiana
  • Format: CD
  • Category: country
  • Duration: 2:35:35
  • not rated
  • Added July 1, 2016


1. Old man Emunot rated2:51
2. True Bluenot rated4:06
3. Hawkesburry River lovinnot rated3:28
4. Diggers of the Anzacnot rated3:35
5. Wrinklesnot rated4:38
6. Queen in the sport of Kingsnot rated4:04
7. Chainsnot rated3:32
8. Mallee Boynot rated3:12
9. The Budgie Songnot rated2:40
10. Pink Galahsnot rated4:09
11. Raining on the Rocknot rated4:13
12. Coota Wattlenot rated3:51
13. Sail the Nullabornot rated3:17
14. Westownnot rated3:31
15. Boomerang Cafenot rated3:30
16. Amazing Daynot rated3:10
17. Boogie with m Babynot rated5:22
18. Ancient Mountainsnot rated4:39
19. Bill the catnot rated3:35
20. Dingonot rated3:24
21. Goodbye Blinky Billnot rated3:29
1. Island of Oceansnot rated2:12
2. Rip Rip Woodchipnot rated2:57
3. A Flag of Our Ownnot rated3:28
4. A Bushman Can't Survive [Orchestra Version][Version]not rated3:45
5. Wintergreennot rated3:35
6. Papa Whisky Novembernot rated3:19
7. Prettiest Girl in the Kimberley [Orchestra Version][Version]not rated3:04
8. Sir Donnot rated3:12
9. Three Sonsnot rated3:34
10. A Thousand Feetnot rated2:55
11. Baggy Greennot rated2:49
12. Sing You the Outbacknot rated3:45
13. Salisbury Streetnot rated3:32
14. Glory to Australianot rated3:00
15. Chandelier of Starsnot rated3:13
16. Flower on the Waternot rated3:09
17. The Joy Is in the Journeynot rated3:32
18. Hillbilly Roadnot rated3:04
19. Cydinot rated2:57
20. The Big Rednot rated3:46
21. Hang My Hat in Queensland [Orchestra Version][Version]not rated4:44
22. Prairie Hotel Parachilna [Orchestra Version][Version]not rated3:03
23. Rescue Me [Orchestra Version][Version]not rated4:21

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