Complete list of neomarvelbunny's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
X-Ray SpexObsessed With YouGermfree Adolescents2:27not ratedCD1978
X-Ray SpexOh Bondage Up Yours!Germfree Adolescents2:48not ratedCD1978
X-Ray SpexPlastic BagGermfree Adolescents4:51not ratedCD1978
X-Ray SpexThe Day The World Turned DayglowGermfree Adolescents2:50not ratedCD1978
X-Ray SpexWarrior in WoolworthsGermfree Adolescents3:03not ratedCD1978
Xavier Cugat & OrchestraEl MarijuanoThe Love Handle Lounge2:53not ratedCD1996
XholGrilleMotherfuckers GMBH & Co. KG6:59not ratedCD1972
XholLeistungsprinzipMotherfuckers GMBH & Co. KG1:24not ratedCD1972
XholLove Potion 25Motherfuckers GMBH & Co. KG13:13not ratedCD1972
XholOrgelsoloMotherfuckers GMBH & Co. KG9:39not ratedCD1972
XholRadioMotherfuckers GMBH & Co. KG2:32not ratedCD1972
XholSide 1 First DayMotherfuckers GMBH & Co. KG7:11not ratedCD1972
Xhol CaravanAll GreenElectrip7:37not ratedCD1969
Xhol CaravanElectric Fun FairElectrip6:27not ratedCD1969
Xhol CaravanPlanet EarthElectrip2:46not ratedCD1969
Xhol CaravanPop GamesElectrip6:55not ratedCD1969
Xhol CaravanRaise Up HighElectrip17:45not ratedCD1969
Xhol CaravanSo DownElectrip3:29not ratedCD1969
Xhol CaravanWalla MashallaElectrip1:39not ratedCD1969
XTCRespectable StreetURGH! A Music War3:11not ratedLP1981
XTCSenses Working OvertimeLeft of the Dial: Dispatches from the 80s Underground4:50not ratedCD2004
Ya Ho Wha 13HoPenetration: An Aquarian Symphony5:32not ratedMP31974
Ya Ho Wha 13Journey Thru An Elemental KingdomPenetration: An Aquarian Symphony9:23not ratedMP31974
Ya Ho Wha 13UntitledThe Operetta22:52not ratedCD2005
Ya Ho Wha 13UntitledThe Operetta13:31not ratedCD2005

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