Shirley Collins
The Sweet Primeroses

Shirley Collins - The Sweet Primeroses

  • Release date: 1967
  • Genre: Folk/Traditional Folk
  • Format: CD
  • Category: Folk/Ethnic
  • Duration: 1:02:09
  • not rated
  • Added June 14, 2024


1. All Things Are Quite Silentnot rated2:36
2. Cambridgeshire May Carolnot rated1:20
3. Spencer the Rovernot rated4:01
4. The Rigs of the Timenot rated3:11
5. Polly Vaughannot rated2:44
6. The Cruel Mothernot rated5:51
7. The Bird in the Bushnot rated1:58
8. The Streets of Derrynot rated3:29
9. Brigg Fairnot rated2:18
10. Higher Germanienot rated2:42
11. George Collinsnot rated3:44
12. The Babes in the Woodnot rated2:32
13. Down in Yon Forestnot rated2:35
14. The Magpie's Nestnot rated2:26
15. False True Lovenot rated3:35
16. The Sweet Primerosesnot rated3:32
17. The False Bridenot rated4:16
18. Locks and Boltsnot rated3:01
19. Rambleawaynot rated3:31
20. A Blacksmith Courted Menot rated2:39

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