Utah Phillips
The Moscow Hold and other stories

Utah Phillips - The Moscow Hold and other stories

  • Release date: 1999
  • Genre: Folk/Spoken
  • Format: CD
  • Category: Non-Musical
  • Duration: 1:12:31
  • not rated
  • Added March 4, 2008


1. Railroading On the Great Divide/Moose Callnot rated15:06
2. Will Rogersnot rated3:37
3. Egg Sittin' Horsenot rated5:43
4. Job Actionnot rated3:39
5. Shark Fishingnot rated6:56
6. Oliver And the Forknot rated4:05
7. Ant Languagenot rated4:17
8. Natural Resourcesnot rated4:27
9. Oatmealnot rated2:34
10. The Moscow Holdnot rated6:43
11. Blackie's Fridgenot rated1:45
12. Oliver's Outhousenot rated3:28
13. Hallelujah, I'm a Bum/How I Became a Buddhistnot rated10:06

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