Complete list of nappyhead's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Released
Aphex TwinIsopropanolClassics6:23not rated1995
Aphex TwinJynweythekDrukqs - Disc 12:23not rated2001
Aphex TwinKesson DalefDrukqs - Disc 11:19not rated2001
Aphex TwinKladfvgbung MicshkDrukqs - Disc 12:06not rated2001
Aphex TwinLogon-Rock WitchRichard D. James Album3:32not rated1996
Aphex TwinLornaderekDrukqs - Disc 20:31not rated2001
Aphex TwinMeltphace 6Drukqs - Disc 26:24not rated2001
Aphex TwinMetapharsticClassics4:33not rated1995
Aphex TwinMilkmanRichard D. James Album4:09not rated1996
Aphex TwinMt Saint Michel + Saint Michael's MountDrukqs - Disc 18:10not rated2001
Aphex TwinNanou 2Drukqs - Disc 23:23not rated2001
Aphex TwinOmgyjya-Switch7Drukqs - Disc 14:52not rated2001
Aphex TwinOrban Eq Trx4Drukqs - Disc 11:35not rated2001
Aphex TwinPeek 824545201Richard D. James Album3:05not rated1996
Aphex TwinPetiatil Cx HtduiDrukqs - Disc 22:11not rated2001
Aphex TwinPhlange PhaceClassics5:22not rated1995
Aphex TwinPhloamClassics5:33not rated1995
Aphex TwinPolynomial-CClassics4:46not rated1995
Aphex TwinPolynomial-CBack To Mine - The Orb4:42not rated2003
Aphex TwinPrep Gwarlek 3bDrukqs - Disc 21:19not rated2001
Aphex TwinQKThrDrukqs - Disc 21:27not rated2001
Aphex TwinRuglen HolonDrukqs - Disc 21:49not rated2001
Aphex TwinStrotha TynheDrukqs - Disc 12:12not rated2001
Aphex TwinTaking ControlDrukqs - Disc 27:14not rated2001
Aphex TwinTamphex (Hedphuq Mix)Classics6:31not rated1995

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