Changing Faces
Changing Faces

Changing Faces - Changing Faces

  • Release date: 1994
  • Duration: 59:12
  • not rated
  • Added December 29, 2012


1. Stroke You Upnot rated5:52
2. Foolin' Aroundnot rated4:28
3. Lovin' Ya Boynot rated4:02
4. One Of Those Thingsnot rated3:59
5. Keep It Right Therenot rated4:00
6. Am I Wasting My Timenot rated4:07
7. Feeling All This Lovenot rated3:47
8. Thoughts Of Younot rated5:35
9. Come Closernot rated5:16
10. Baby Your Lovenot rated4:20
11. Movin' Onnot rated3:28
12. Good Thingsnot rated5:33
13. All Is Not Gonenot rated4:40

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