1. Nuvem Cigana (Gypsy Cloud) | not rated | 5:08 |
2. Pensamento (Thought) | not rated | 4:51 |
3. Nos Dois (The Two Of Us) | not rated | 4:04 |
4. Lagrima Co Sul (Southern Tear) | not rated | 4:18 |
5. Louvagco A Mariama (In Praise Of Mariama) | not rated | 4:19 |
6. Amor De Indio (Indian Love) | not rated | 5:15 |
7. A Barca Dos Amantes (Ship Of Lovers) | not rated | 4:33 |
8. Tarde (Afternoon) | not rated | 6:24 |
9. Nos Bailes Da Vida (At The Dances) | not rated | 4:39 |
43:36 |
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