Tony Terry
Forever Yours

Tony Terry - Forever Yours

  • Release date: 1987
  • Genre: R&B
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 41:41
  • not rated
  • Added March 24, 2009
  • Played March 28, 2009


1. Forever Yoursnot rated3:45
2. Lovey Doveynot rated3:37
3. Fulltime Girlnot rated3:12
4. Day Dreamingnot rated3:55
5. Here With Menot rated4:34
6. She's Flynot rated6:04
7. Wassup Wit Unot rated3:41
8. Up And Down Lovenot rated4:12
9. Young Lovenot rated3:59
10. What Would It Take (Feat. Flame)not rated4:42

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