Complete list of musicjeff's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Released
Dr. HookOoh Poo Pah DooLive In The U.K.5:53not rated1981
Dr. HookPity The FoolPlayers In The Dark2:57not rated1982
Dr. HookRings Of GrassThe (B)/Rest Of Dr. Hooknot rated1984
Dr. HookS.O.S. For LoveRisingnot rated1980
Dr. HookSexy EnergyMakin' Love And Music2:33not rated1977
Dr. HookSexy EyesLive In The U.K.3:45not rated1981
Dr. HookSexy EyesCompletely Hooked (The Best Of Dr. Hook)3:00not rated1992
Dr. HookSexy EyesSometimes You Win3:30not rated1979
Dr. HookSexy EyesGreatest Hits2:58not rated1980
Dr. HookSexy EyesDisco Dynamitenot rated1980
Dr. HookSharing The Night TogetherPleasure & Pain2:54not rated1978
Dr. HookSharing The Night TogetherCompletely Hooked (The Best Of Dr. Hook)2:55not rated1992
Dr. HookSharing The Night TogetherGreatest Hits2:53not rated1980
Dr. HookSharing The Night TogetherThe Late '70s2:55not rated1993
Dr. HookSleeping LateCompletely Hooked (The Best Of Dr. Hook)3:13not rated1992
Dr. HookSleeping LateMakin' Love And Music3:10not rated1977
Dr. HookStorms Never LastPleasure & Pain3:21not rated1978
Dr. HookSweetest Of AllCompletely Hooked (The Best Of Dr. Hook)2:40not rated1992
Dr. HookSweetest Of AllPleasure & Pain2:40not rated1978
Dr. HookSylvia's MotherCompletely Hooked (The Best Of Dr. Hook)3:50not rated1992
Dr. HookSylvia's MotherLive In The U.K.4:14not rated1981
Dr. HookThat Didn't Hurt Too BadRisingnot rated1980
Dr. HookThe Cover Of The Rolling StoneLive In The U.K.3:34not rated1981
Dr. HookThe MillionaireBankrupt2:59not rated1975
Dr. HookThe MillionaireCompletely Hooked (The Best Of Dr. Hook)3:13not rated1992

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