Complete list of musicjeff's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Released
Martha Reeves & The VandellasNowhere To RunMotown Hits Of Gold Volume 12:48not rated1985
Martha Reeves & The VandellasNowhere To RunMartha Reeves & The Vandellasnot rated1980
Martha Reeves & The VandellasOne Way OutWatchout!2:26not rated1966
Martha Reeves & The VandellasPeople Got To Be FreeNatural Resources2:40not rated1970
Martha Reeves & The VandellasPut A Little Love In Your HeartNatural Resources2:57not rated1970
Martha Reeves & The VandellasQuicksandAnthology2:36not rated1974
Martha Reeves & The VandellasQuicksandThe Ultimate Collection2:38not rated1998
Martha Reeves & The VandellasQuicksandGreatest Hitsnot rated1981
Martha Reeves & The VandellasQuicksandGreatest Hitsnot rated1966
Martha Reeves & The VandellasQuicksandDancing In The Streetnot rated1968
Martha Reeves & The VandellasQuicksandHeat Wave2:34not rated
Martha Reeves & The VandellasShoe Leather ExpresswaySugar N' Spicenot rated1969
Martha Reeves & The VandellasShow Me The WayRidin' High2:38not rated1968
Martha Reeves & The VandellasSomethingNatural Resources2:47not rated1970
Martha Reeves & The VandellasSomethingBlack Magic2:41not rated5/1972
Martha Reeves & The VandellasSoul AppealSugar N' Spicenot rated1969
Martha Reeves & The VandellasTake A LookNatural Resources2:16not rated1970
Martha Reeves & The VandellasTaking My Love (And Leaving Me)Sugar N' Spicenot rated1969
Martha Reeves & The VandellasTear It DownBlack Magic3:27not rated5/1972
Martha Reeves & The VandellasTear It On DownThe Ultimate Collection3:00not rated1998
Martha Reeves & The VandellasTear It On DownAnthology3:27not rated1974
Martha Reeves & The VandellasTell Me I'll Never Be AloneWatchout!2:31not rated1966
Martha Reeves & The VandellasThe Hurt Is Over (Since I've Found You)Natural Resources2:57not rated1970
Martha Reeves & The VandellasThen He Kissed MeHeat Wave2:30not rated
Martha Reeves & The VandellasThere He Is (At My Door)Anthology2:30not rated1974

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