Complete list of musicjeff's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Released
Herman's HermitsLeaning On The Lamp PostHerman's Hermits Greatest Hits2:33not rated1987
Herman's HermitsLeaning On The Lamp-PostGreatest Hitsnot rated1980
Herman's HermitsLemon And LimeMrs. Brown, You've Got A Lovely Daughter (Music From The Original Sound Track)2:45not rated1968
Herman's HermitsListen PeopleHerman's Hermits Greatest Hits2:33not rated1987
Herman's HermitsListen PeopleHerman's Hermitsnot rated
Herman's HermitsListen PeopleGreatest Hitsnot rated1980
Herman's HermitsListen PeopleTheir Greatest Hits3:11not rated1987
Herman's HermitsListen People15 Greatest Hits2:31not rated1973
Herman's HermitsListen PeopleHerman's Hermits Greatest Hits2:33not rated1984
Herman's HermitsListen PeopleXX Their Greatest Hits2:31not rated1973
Herman's HermitsListen PeopleVolume 2: The Best Of Herman's Hermits2:31not rated1966
Herman's HermitsLittle Boy SadVolume 2: The Best Of Herman's Hermits2:26not rated1966
Herman's HermitsLittle Boy SadHerman's Hermitsnot rated
Herman's HermitsLittle Miss Sorrow, Child Of TomorrowThere's A Kind Of Hush All Over The World2:30not rated1967
Herman's HermitsLittle Miss Sorrow, Child Of TomorrowThere's A Kind Of Hush All Over The World2:30not rated3/1967
Herman's HermitsLittle Miss Sorrow, Child Of TomorrowThere's A Kind Of Hush All Over The World2:30not rated1967
Herman's HermitsMake Me HappyHold On2:14not rated1966
Herman's HermitsMoonshine ManBlaze2:28not rated1967
Herman's HermitsMother-In-LawThe EP Collectionnot rated1990
Herman's HermitsMother-In-LawIntroducing Herman's Hermits2:21not rated1965
Herman's HermitsMother-In-LawIntroducing Herman's Hermits2:21not rated1965
Herman's HermitsMother-In-LawIntroducing Herman's Hermits2:21not rated1965
Herman's HermitsMother-In-LawThe Best Of Herman's Hermits2:21not rated1965
Herman's HermitsMrs. Brown You've Got A Lovely DaughterThe Best Of Herman's Hermits2:46not rated1965
Herman's HermitsMrs. Brown You've Got A Lovely DaughterTheir Greatest Hits2:45not rated1987

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