Bobby Darin
Dream Lover

Bobby Darin - Dream Lover

  • Genre: Rock/Rock & Roll
  • not rated
  • Added February 5, 2015


1. Splish Splashnot rated0:00
2. Judy, Don't Be Moodynot rated0:00
3. Queen Of The Hopnot rated0:00
4. Now We're Onenot rated0:00
5. Mighty Mighty Mannot rated0:00
6. Plain Janenot rated0:00
7. Dream Lovernot rated0:00
8. Bullmoosenot rated0:00
9. Oo-Ee-Trainnot rated0:00
10. Early In The Morningnot rated0:00
11. Pitty Miss Kittynot rated0:00
12. I Ain't Sharin' Sharonnot rated0:00
13. Keep A Walkingnot rated0:00
14. Hush, Somebody's Calling My Namenot rated0:00
15. I Want You With Menot rated0:00
16. You Must Have Been A Beautiful Babynot rated0:00
17. Somebody To Lovenot rated0:00
18. Pretty Bettynot rated0:00
19. You Know Hownot rated0:00
20. Multiplicationnot rated0:00

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