The Beatles
Yesterday And Today

The Beatles - Yesterday And Today

  • Release date: 1966
  • Genre: Rock/Pop
  • Duration: 26:50
  • not rated
  • Added November 25, 2015


1. Drive My Carnot rated2:25
2. I'm Only Sleepingnot rated2:58
3. Nowhere Mannot rated2:40
4. Dr. Robertnot rated2:14
5. Yesterdaynot rated2:04
6. Act Naturallynot rated2:27
7. And Your Bird Can Singnot rated2:02
8. If I Needed Someonenot rated2:19
9. We Can Work It Outnot rated2:10
10. What Goes On?not rated2:44
11. Day Trippernot rated2:47

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